

We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love He has for us. God is love!

~1 John 4:16, TPT


Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing.

~C.S. Lewis

I would not attempt to convince a young person in love of the truth in the quote above, but I know for a fact, C.S. Lewis is exactly right. Being in love is not the best thing. There are things below it but there is also somethings above it. Being in love is a wonderful feeling, but it is only a feeling. Knowledge can last, truth can last, principles can last but feelings come and go…but of course ceasing to be in love need not mean ceasing to love. Love {agape} in this second sense is distinct from being ‘in love’. Agape is greater far than eros (being in love). Agape is a deep love of the will which results in loving behavior or kindness. Eros is conditional; agape is unconditional. It has the ability to love without being loved in return. Falling in love is the ignition (explosion) to get the engine (Marriage) running. It is agape that keeps it running. Agape can keep a vow; eros cannot.

To love as I should I must love Jesus with all my heart. He must be my first love. The more I love HIM, the more I love my wife. It is impossible for me to love HIM more and her less. If I love Jack more than Jesus, we have problems. When first things (loving Jesus) are first; second things are not suppressed, they are increased. If we give our unconditional allegiance to something other than Christ, then that person or thing to which we give our love and affection becomes our god. Lewis says, “Natural loves that are allowed to become gods do not remain loves.” Sometimes these so called natural loves turn to hate as in the case of Amnon. We may continue to call it love but that doesn’t make it so. Jesus is no threat to a marriage, He is the Rock that you build the marriage on. A good marriage is a trinity.


June ordered me a keyboard for my I-Pad so I can post blogs from the house. This is my first attempt. We got a gully washer this morning about 3:00; at least this is what Big Mama says, I slept through the storm. LORD willing, I will attend the MEMORIAL DAY program at Roselawn at 10:00 and then read. It will be too wet to work in Garden. I hope you have a great day. REMEMBER the fallen. We are free due to their sacrifice.

This woman knows what Memorial Day is about: Jon Eriks mother whom I hope to see today.

Jon Erik Loney 1987-2006


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