A Divided World

Scripture Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. ~Luke 12:51, NIV Quote Jesus did not come into the world to bring division. ~John Hagee The quote above is one good reason you don’t need to pay a lot of attention to John Hagee; what he said contradicts…

The Curse of Greed

Scripture Because of what you’ve done, Naaman’s leprosy will now be on you and your descendants forever!” Suddenly, Gehazi’s skin became white with leprosy, and he left. ~2 Kings 5:27, CEV Quote Greed blinds a man and fills him with foolish pride. It makes him easy prey for death and destruction. ~Rumi Gehazi was Elisha’s…

The Real Temple

Scripture Now I promise that like you, your descendants will be kings.  I’ll choose one of your sons to be king… I’ll make him a strong ruler, and no one will be able to take his kingdom away from him. He will be the one to build a temple for Me.  ~I Chronicles 17:10-12, CEV…

Hanging Up The Harps

Scripture We hung our small harps on the willow trees. ~Psalm 137:2, CEV Quote Self-pity is the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical drugs; it is addictive and dangerous. It gives momentary pleasure and then separates the victim from reality. ~John W. Gardner If we understood the destructive power of drugs, we would be afraid to…

David’s Legacy

Scripture Thus says David the son of Jesse; Thus says the man raised up on high, The anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel. ~2 Samuel 23:1, NKJV Quote The greatest of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender. ~William Booth A few years ago, I might not…

The LORD Is Active

Scripture But Jesus said, “My Father has never stopped working, and that is why I keep on working.”  ~John 5:17, CEV Quote God is always at work around you. ~Henry Blackaby When Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders that His Father never stopped working, not even on the Sabbath and that He was simply following…


Scripture Ulam’s sons were brave soldiers who were experts at using a bow and arrows. They had a total of one hundred fifty children and grandchildren. ~I Chronicles 8:40, CEV Quote Having a place to go to at the end of day is HOME. Having someone there to love you is FAMILY. Having both is…

The Great Escape

Scripture Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death. ~Psalm 68:20, NIV Quote Sin is a heavy matter; it carries enough weight to crush the human soul. ~Ya’akov Jesus SAVES and He saves us from many things. Among them are death and hell but He also delivers us…

The Prayer of Jabez

Scripture “Please bless me and give me a lot of land. Be with me so that I will be safe from harm.” ~1 Chronicles 4:10 Quote The cost of discipline is always less than the cost of no discipline at all. ~Image Quotes I guess most folks my age have some superstition. My grandmother was…

Why Are You Pretending

Scripture But when Ahijah heard her walking up to the door, he said: Come in! I know you’re Jeroboam’s wife—why are you pretending to be someone else?  ~I Kings 14:6, CEV Quote Fake people work to maintain an image or reputation–real people work to maintain integrity. ~Ya’akov In the early days, Jeroboam seems to be…