
Artful Eddie was a Chicago mobster who squealed on Al Capone. Eddie had a son and he didn’t want him growing up to be like his dad so he cut a deal with the Feds to save his son. Eddie knew he would not live to see his son grow up if he cooperated with the authorities but he did it with the hope of giving his son a better life. Eddie’s sacrifice paid off, his son Butch earned an appointment to Annapolis and became a Navy pilot who served in WWII. Butch was an exceptional pilot; he shot down five bombers in one night and is credited with saving the entire crew of the USS Lexington. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor. When you fly into O’Hare in Chicago, you don’t think of gangsters but the airport is named after Butch. Artful Eddie the gangster was the father of Edward Henry {Butch} O’hare, the WWII hero that the airport in named after. I found this story in one of Lucado’s books. I came in tired last night and I couldn’t get my brain to work. I know the story was not perfect for the text but it is a good story.
- Got to do something yesterday that I have not done is years and that was rake hay. I also got in on the hauling. I love to rake hay.
- I will be doing the memorial service for Sidney Macallister this morning at 10 in Florence or Muscle Shoals. Sidney is Traci Holladay’s uncle. He fought with Patton in North Africa and Italy. He was a decorated veteran and avid reader of the DIGEST.
- Looking forward to being at DBC this Sunday.