Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

~Matthew 5:3, LSB


Those who do not think about their own sins make up for it by thinking incessantly about the sins of others.

~C. S. Lewis {God in the Dock, p. 127}

Poverty creates brotherhood. Those who are poor are much more likely to be aware of their need. They understand a need for something outside of themselves. They understand the poverty of their resources. Wealth has a tendency to breed pride and self-sufficiency and refuses to acknowledge need for God or man. Believe it or not, the poor are more likely to give than the rich. Franklin Graham and Samaritan Purse is not supported by a few rich tycoons. I promise you it is sustained by millions who are on limited incomes like you and I. I can’t buy anything I want. I can’t lend you $10,000. I am limited financially and always have been. I need help and I have always needed help. I am by no means self-sufficient. Sure I have worked. I have never been unemployed but there have been times when our needs were greater than our income. Thousands of dollars have been given to us over the years. I have not kept up with the amount and I am glad that I didn’t. I is good for me to be aware of my need for God and others.

Not only are the rich tempted to rely on their wealth; they are tempted to value their earthy wealth more than their heavenly treasure: the poor don’t have to deal with that temptation. Who then is really wealthy? Jesus said it is the poor in spirit or the humble. The humble are the needy rich. {Calvin Miller} They understand that their need makes them rich. They have so little that they see no harm in giving what they have to Jesus. The multitude by the sea side was not feed by Chick-Fil-A or some rich mega corporation. A little lad gave Jesus his lunch which was most likely, all he had.

It is a generality and not a rule but rarely do the rich acknowledge their need for Christ; rarely do they love to give and rarely do they value their treasure in heaven, but this is not a steadfast rule, there are exceptions.


PTL for another great LORD’s day. The weather was fantastic. I have been wearing my fat boy shirts for 6 weeks. There are green leaves on many of the trees and we will see even more greening this week. Joe David got his power restored at 2:00 a.m. yesterday morning. I noticed that in our area where I have seen a dozen or so trees down that they all fell toward the road and most on power lines. If you have a pine in your yard, pull it up or cut it down. You let it get big and it will cost you major bucks to have it removed.

I hope you have a good week and a wonderful Monday. It is a little harder to get excited about Monday than it is Friday. Have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.


The blog above is a blend that comes from reading Calvin Miller and C.S. Lewis. Many of the comments are direct quotes from Miller’s daily devotion, UNTIL HE COMES. The others come from GOD IN THE DOCK by C.S. Lewis. Most of what Lewis wrote was more than 70 years ago. It amazes me that he was dealing with {in England} things that we didn’t have to deal with for another quarter of a century. In the 1040’s, many so called believers in England were offended by the COMMUNION PRAYER used in the Anglican Church…they protested the fact that the prayer spoke of them as miserable offenders.

A General Confession said by Anglican’s in Morning and Evening Prayer

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred, and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare thou those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore thou those who are penitent; According to thy promises declared unto mankind In Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake; That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, To the glory of thy holy Name. Amen.

If you don’t understand yourself to be a MISERABLE OFFENDER; you are definitely not poor in spirit.

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