Bring The Adjectives To The Cross


Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

~I Corinthian’s 6:10-11, NASB


See first the NOUN God created; then give Jesus the adjective.

~Jonathan Cahn

For those of us who speak only one language, it is natural to assume that all languages are basically the same and they are not. Syntax {the arrangement of words} is different in different languages. In classical Hebrew the syntax is VSO–verb, subject and object. If you are a Star Wars fan, you will remember that Yodi’s syntax was similar to Celtic languages with OSV–Object, Subject, and verb. Example: “Much to learn, you still have.” In English we would say, “You still have a lot to learn.”  VSO would be “See you things.” OSV would be “things you see.”  In English it is SVO, “You see things.” Also in classical Hebrew, the noun came before the adjective. Whereas we would say something like…“He is a sinful man.” Jesus would say, “He is a man sinful.” He saw the subject before the adjective. Jesus didn’t see sick people: He saw people who were sick. He saw the person before He saw the sickness. He did not see evil people; He saw people entrapped in evil. He died to separate the adjectives from the nouns, people from their sin.

Man is the creation of God and created in God’s image I might add. He did not create evil or sinful men. He created men who are now in a state of sin. Jesus sees our sin but He doesn’t see it first or foremost: He sees the man God created without sin. He sees our potential. He sees what we can become. This explains why He changed Simon’s name to Peter. I’m sure the other disciples wondered about that name change, “Why would Jesus refer to Peter as a rock when he was volatile, inconsistent and governed by his passions?” Peter appeared to be anything but a rock. But Jesus was right and Peter became a rock solid leader. So today, instead of seeing sinful men and women, we should see men and women caught in sin. We are not to see sick people but people who are in a state of sickness. Put the noun {person} first and give the adjectives to Jesus. In is simply a change is perspective.


Before you give me too much credit, the above is mostly Jonathan Cahn. I don’t want to be another Eddie Litton. I might claim a thought or two but most of them are his. Another great LORD’s day. I think everyone’s attendance was down and perhaps due to the time change or the weather. It was cold. We have five more outside services. We decided yesterday that Easter Sunday would be our last day out for a while. We have had drive in services for two years. We will still go out of special occasions because our folks love drive-in church. Probably Easter and Labor Day Weekend.

I have a couple of burdens. When something gets heavy on my heart I wake up praying about it. This morning I am praying for all Christians to pray about the war. Pray that God turns Putin like a farmer turns an irrigation stream {Prov. 21:1}. Pass the word: engage every believer you know in this prayer. Innocent people are dying due to the greed of a few rich people. I also hold everyone who participated in the thief of the election and everyone who voted for Biden responsible for this war. If America had a strong leader: it would not have happened. Of course all those who conspired to oust our President are blaming the war on Putin. Putin is simply taking advantage of the weakness in Washington DC. This is what dictators and tyrants do. The fault in on those who did everything possible, including cheating, to get Trump out of the White House. They scum and swamp rats were afraid he was going to get his hands on the plug and drain the swamp. DC is more like a stinky toilet to me and it needs flushed but the parasites on government payrolls in DC don’t take kindly to those who threaten them. Nixon and Trump are examples of what they do to people who threaten them.

A little sunshine today PTL. Pray for Clara and Shohn and Gregg and Sarah. Mrs. Willowdean is in Summerford. Twenty-one days of rehab.

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