Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I do not get involved with things too great or too wondrous for me. Instead, I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like a weaned child.
~Psalm 131:1-2, CSB
The harvest of peace is produced from the seed of contentment.
~Source Unknown
David is a unique character. I am fully aware of his moral blowout and the price his paid for his roll in the hay but when you consider the scope of his life: the man was extraordinary in many ways. He was a great warrior in his youth and a commander of men by age 20. He was a military genius who never lost a battle, let alone a war. He was a superb musician and one of the most outstanding poet of all time. He was not a bad theologian: check out Psalm 51 for instance. He was also a shrewd politician and most folks agree that he was Israel’s greatest king. In terms of accomplishment: he was by far the greatest. Strangely enough, David never reeked with ambition. He did not promote himself. David accepted himself for who he was: he did not over step or over reach. He also accepted God’s will for his life. If God wanted him to be king, God would do it in His own time. David didn’t reach for a bigger hammer. David didn’t feel a need to impress others: he simply wanted what God wanted. When the LORD told him he would not be the one to build the Temple: David doesn’t argue or fret. He accepts it and moves on. David also understood his limitations. When he says, I do not get involved with things too great or too wondrous for me. Instead, I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like a weaned child. He is talking about contentment. The weaning process is difficult for the child. They have literally been attacked to their mother for months. Thank God in the old days, mothers weaned their children before they could talk or remember the experience. The picture David paints is of a child that has fully accepted the mother’s will. It’s not of a whining child or what they called in the old days, ‘A titty baby’. Like a weaned child, David is content just to be near his mother.
Are you content with your lot in life? I know for many years, I was not content with mine. I fully believe that had God wanted me to be a rich man, I would be rich. Had He wanted me to be a great athlete, I would be a great athlete. Had He wanted me to be a brain surgeon, I would have been a brain surgeon. If He had wanted me to be tall, dark and handsome, I would be tall, dark and handsome. I’m not rich; I’m not a great athlete; I am not a brain surgeon and I am not tall, dark and handsome but I am content. Chalk this one up to God’s grace because I can remember being discontent. You will be discontent as well if you don’t thank God for what you have and stop blaming Him and others for your unhappiness.
I don’t have a lot of extra just a praise for the pretty day yesterday. It enabled me to get a lot done on one of my projects. Thank YOU Jesus for the sunshine and thank you for reading the blog.