

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

~Psalm 119:105, AV


I have learned: there is never enough time to do all the things on my to-do list but there is always time for me to do everything on God’s to-do list for me.

~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Sometimes we start a new year like we start a new day, with a lot expectations for ourselves and others. Don’t get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with planning as long as you are praying before you plan. Years ago, I read Romans 12:1 in the NIV and he changed my entire perspective, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. We begin our day with worship and in this personal worship time, we present ourselves to God as a sacrifice and this includes our time, resources and agenda. If we begin a day dead sit on accomplishing our to-do list, to keep our schedule, to accomplish our goals–we will get irritated and frustrated when someone blocks our goal. It can get hectic when people keep interrupting you when you have only so long to get your task accomplished. We begin to view people as obstacles getting in our way rather than opts for ministry. I doubt seriously that anyone in my reading audience has made this mistake more than I.

Resolutions don’t seem to carry much weight with me so my NEW YEARS prayer is that I will become, by God’s grace, more patient with people and that I will be willing to lay my agenda at Jesus feet daily. I am asking to LORD to set me free from my own expectation and those that other project on me. Two things are absolutely certain: the devil is going to do his best to trip me up. The devil, like the democrats, is unrelenting. Unfortunately for me he never takes a day off. The second fact is that my prayer for the new year can only become a reality by the power of God’s grace. In the power of my sinful flesh, I will never overcome the enemy and I will never stop getting irritated at people who get in my way and block my goals. For me, the highway is the acid test and one that I have yet to pass. If confession is truly good for the soul, my soul should be is some state of euphoria.

I do have to give the LORD praise for making me thankful and I am deeply grateful for God’s blessings. First, we left sick folks behind and they actually got better while we were away, PTL. Secondly, God granted all of us traveling mercies which is big with traffic being what it is these days. Third: My grand kids were super: I had a little talk with them each night and they showed great respect: I did not have to stop one time and correct any of them and four of them have committed themselves to reading the NT in 2020. Everyone was ready to come home except Holly, Chloe and Jeremy who would have gladly stayed another week. Lori couldn’t wait to get back where she could go back to work {JK}. We had a 7 bedroom cabin this week, we are stepping up to 8 next year and we looked at one that has 10. There was one near Gatlinburg that has 20. It’s only $25,000 per week.

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