Fathers Day, Not!


Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; fathersĀ are the pride of their children.

~Proverbs 17:6, NLT


The father cannot be the glory or pride of a child unless the child knows the father.

~Ray dis Comfort

I think the probability is great that in the last half century, the moral decline of our nation is due in large part to the absence of so many fathers. Fathers have shirked their responsibility to raise their own children and this has had a devastating effect on their children in particular and the culture in general. Women make good mothers but try as they may, they are poor fathers. The results of these absent, delinquent and abusive fathers has created an anger toward men in general and we are feeling the heat of that anger. Guys, we may as well face the truth: there are both males and females who are angry with their fathers and some have even fallen into hate. Absent and abusive fathers are responsible for a lot of the perverted mess we are dealing with today. Many children don’t even know who their father’s are. June and I watched a movie this week about a 17 year old girl who went looking for her father. When she found him, she asked, “Why did you abandon us?” He said, “When your mother died, I had no reason to stay because I never wanted you in the first place.” Then he told her to never attempt contacting him again. The child was devastated. You say, “At least the man was honest.” Sorry folks, but in such a case, brutal honesty is not a virtue. He crushed the heart of the child and there is no excuse for such behavior. He needed a visit from the CLAN.

Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, they he lay down his life for a friend.” In other words, the greatest manifestation of love is to put yourself in the place of another; to walk in their shoes, feel what they feel in grief or gladness. This is exactly what Jesus did for us. You all know that I detest sexual perversion in either male or female. Recently it was brought to my attention that most lesbians were abused in the early part of their life by a man or men. Their hatred for the male sex is linked to that abuse. My source revealed one case after another where this was true. I was shocked: I had never made the connection. I don’t think we have ever lived in a time equal to the present when it comes to contempt for men. The Marxist have put a target on white men but with many, it is men in general. Our verse for today comes from the NLT but unfortunately, like the NIV and others, they have attempted to become gender friendly. The NLT translates it, “Parents are the pride of their children.” If you look closely, there is a footnote telling you the Hebrew word is ‘fathers.’ I am not saying that we fathers have been faithful in assuming our responsibilities but you cannot have families without fathers. All lesbians {100%} had fathers.


Wow! You never know what a day will produce. We got the word last night that Wade Morris had covid and was in critical condition. Joe David texted me moments ago: Wade has been promoted. If any human seemed invincible, it was Wade. He seemed to have no fear of anything. I cannot lie, this news has shaken me. I talked to him a couple of months ago but I really hate not being able to see him in person. I had already made myself a promise that I would go see him if he got better. I celebrate his promotion but I mourn our loss.

More bad news: Paula Windsor, our former Praise and Worship leader’s wife is in Huntsville with covid. Pray for Dale and Paula. Hey I almost forgot; we got another call last night. Our good friend John Newby is in the hospital with covid. His dad {Jimmy} passed away this past February with covid.

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