This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to Me and resting in Me will you be saved.”
Isaiah 30:15, NLT
In the Bible, divine sovereignty and human responsibility are not enemies. They are friends, and they work together.
~J.I. Packer
We all believe in God’s sovereignty, the problem is–we have deferent definitions. Make no mistake about it, God is in control and we are not. At times things happen that shake us up and like Job we have questions that we cannot answer. As the hymn writer put it, “doubts arise and fears dismay.” I am not going to lie, the last presidential election shook me up. My first response was LORD, “Why did you allow them to cheat and steal the election? You could have stopped this.” I wrestled with this problem for weeks, maybe months thinking, “What on earth are You doing LORD?” This past week I was reading Daniel’s prayer in chapter nine. I had some thoughts I’ve never entertained before. In a way, Nebuchanezzar was a far greater evil than Jill Biden and the first lady Joe. Things are not great with Jill and Joe in the Whitehouse but it could actually be worse. Have you been threatened with a burning fiery furnace lately? Has anyone threated your life if you are caught on your knees in prayer? Has anyone tried to put you in a lion’s den? Actually Daniel labored under much more difficult circumstances than we have faced to this point and he never complained.
The Babylonian empire swallowed Israel like it was an pill. Daniel and his friends lost everything: home, freedom, land, culture or way of life and most likely his family. Yet Daniel continued to believe that the God of Israel was KING of kings and LORD of lords. Nebuchanezzar was on the earthly throne but Daniel knew that God was enthroned in heaven and heaven rules. You can tell by Daniel’s prophecies that he fully believed God would triumph in the end. It is an amazing testimony. To think about the peace and contentment that Daniel and his friends had while living is this pagan world. I love the testimony of the three Hebrew boys in Daniel chapter three who said to Nebuchanezzar, “Our God, whom we serve is able. Whether He saves us or not is not important but what you need to understand is this– live or die, we are not going to worship your image.” No matter what the Marxist-Democrats do, we are not bowing to their gods. The Biden are really not in charge; they just don’t know it yet.
I hope you had a great 4th. We got together at Holly’s for burgers and home made ice cream and we had a good time. I ate to much and gained two pounds in one day.
Have a great Friday and thanks for reading the blog.