

Be ye free from the love of money; content with such things as ye have: for himself hath aid, I will in no wise fail thee, neither will I in any wise forsake thee.

~Hebrews 13:5, ASV


God does not grant the necessary grace before the trial.

~Charles E. Cowman

God does not build the bridge until we get to the river. We often fear that we will sink under the wait of the trial. We are afraid in the distance of the mystery and anguish of death. I have said repeatedly, the fear and panic we have witnessed with people freaking out about those of us who do not wear a mask is a sure indication that we are scared of death. The University of Alabama students returned to campus carefree with no mask and ready to party {congregate}. Why is this? They were not afraid. They are fully convinced that if they get the virus, they will survive. I have said from day one, when people go to dropping like flies from the virus, you will not have to tell people to stay home or wear mask. We are slowly allowing the federal government take our civil liberties. We do not need them micro-managing our personal lives. They can’t manage Washington. I digressed but the point is– we dread death and that is natural.

I am not sure I have chosen the right word but we want God to give us a voucher, a guarantee that His grace will be there when death comes. Let me ask you a question: has God failed you at some time in your past? God does not shelter us from the storms. As a matter of fact, Jesus often comes to us in the midst of the storm. I don’t think Jesus took daily walks on the water but when His disciples desperately needed Him, He walked on the water. The storms revealed His power and majesty. The disciples learned from the storms. What it all boils down to is faith. Do you trust Jesus to be there for you when you need Him most? Yes, it is human nature to want proof but all He gives us is His word. Is His word good enough for you?

Most of us would prefer a safe filled with grace; like a huge saving account in a bank–we know it is there if we need it but this is not God’s way. Grace is like manna; He gives it as needed; it comes daily, and it is always sufficient.

I am excited about the LORD’s day. I get to preach this morning God willing and I will be in Romans 6 which is a fascinating passage of scripture. I went to bed at 7:00 last night and didn’t get up until 5:00 so I am refreshed. I have a slight headache but it is not bad. It is great to be alive and to be a herald for the LORD Jesus Christ.

I gave you some false news yesterday and I do want to correct myself: Gregg Holladay is actually better. He is walking and he went to work for 4 hours yesterday. His hair seems a little grayer but he is still Gregg. Tracey had fixed him a pot of great northern beans. He was excited: rather have that than Tracy’s famous pizza. Tracy could put Pizza Hut out of business if she wanted to: she don’t want to. Big Mama could give the bakery some stiff competition but she don’t want to either.

I did not give you bad info of Tracey B. Without sharing details, I want to ask you to focus on Tracey this week. Everyone loves Tracey. She has always exhibited incredible strength and courage and she has not had an easy life. I knew her mom. She was a fantastic lady of loved Jesus and was faithful to her church. The LORD choose to take her home at a young age. I have never heard Tracey complain about anything and you cannot say that about me. She desperately needs our prayers at this time. We cannot let her down. I don’t have an army of followers but I have a battalion and I am asking you to remember Tracey this week.

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