

The prayer of faith will restore the one being ill.

~James 5:15, DLNT


Do you need more faith? Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

~Harriet Ledger {Romans 10:17}

I read several devotionals and one is by a Messianic Jewish woman named Harriet Ledger. She is hard to follow, if you know what I mean. When I saw the above verse she posted for February 21, I thought, “Wow, this verse sounds familiar but I have never thought of it this way.” It is not King James. It is not any translation that I have read or am familiar with. The KJV reads, “The prayer of faith shall save the sick.” No translation that I know uses the word ill. So I starting looking on line: it is the DISCIPLES LITERAL  NEW TESTAMENT. The word ill means a lot of things to a lot of people and the first thing I thought about was temperament. Have you ever looked up the word ‘ill’ in the dictionary? It could mean: not in good health, unfortunate, not in a pleasant manner, harsh, hostile, or even vicious. When I read the verse, “not in good health,” didn’t cross my mind.

I thought of several example I could give you of a person being ill and I don’t mean “not in good health.” But the more I thought of it, the more I realized my examples would not bring any healing. Rather than picking on the weaker sex I will share my own testimony. Ill is bro. Jack in traffic; or in a crowd, or seated beside a family with unruly children, are cornered by or too near a loud mouth {other than mine}. I don’t know what it is, call it age, but I don’t like noise, I don’t like commercials, and I despise the fake news. Just the mention of Washington sets me on edge and it doesn’t take much. So I guess you can pray for my healing. Trust me, it will not offend me at all. Some people get offended when you tell them you are praying for them but not me. Put me to the test, if I get offended, I will have to apologize.

Didn’t happen to me but I remember Bob Harrington telling about a self-righteous lady coming up to him saying,  “I am going to pray for you.” He said “good, I need the prayer and you need the practice.” I don’t know if you need the practice; but I can assure you I need the prayer.


Big day today: Senior Adult fellowship at 11:30 and Josie and Big Rig has soccer games tonight. I think it is suppose to cool down today, We have had the A/C on for the last two days. I don’t remember running the A/C in February. Also preparing for the Winter Bible Study at Sardis Springs which begins Sunday night at 5:00.

I hope you have a great Friday and a good weekend. Thanks for reading the blog.


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