In The Morning


Hear my voice in the morning, O LORD: for in the morning will I direct me unto Thee, and I will wait.

~Psalm 5:3, Geneva Bible


In our morning meeting with the heavenly Father, we should come like priest laying a sacrifice on the altar.

~Warren W. Wiersbe

David was big on worship and prayer. There are somethings that I would have enjoyed seeing. David instituted twenty-four hour worship with both priest and levites on duty around the clock. The altar fires burned perpetually. The Levitical choirs sang praises continually. It must have been a glorious sight. One of the denominational serpents from the state building came to our pastor’s conference years ago. He made a big pitch for doing away with night services. He pointed out that Baptist did not meet at night until electricity was invented. I interupted him and said, “We could do like they did in the NT and meet everyday. I for one would give up Sunday night for a daily worship service.” He didn’t like the idea. He told me later that he didn’t appreciate my comment and that I sabatoged his entire presentation.

We do need daily worship. David met with the LORD every morning. {Psalm 55:17-18; 59:16; 88:13; 92:2} I like the Passion version… “Each and every sunrise, You will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to You. Every morning I will lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for Your fire to fall upon my heart.” Wow! This is powerful stuff! I know David wasn’t perfect, but when it comes to praise and prayer, David is my mentor; I use his Psalms daily. I am reading the Psalms in the Geneva Bible {above} but you have to read Psalm 5 in the TLB and the Passion translation. I double dog dare you. It will be better than any commentary you can lay your hands on.

What if Trump called you and said, “I would like to met with you in the morning and every morning; and I know you are limited so I will come to your place.” Would you take him up on that promise? I think I could carve out some time for the President if he were to make himself available.  Need I remind you, I’am not talking about  meeting with a king or an earthly leader: I am talking about meeting with the infinite Creator/Redeemer. He is willing to met with us; to give us an audience. How wise is it to shun that meeting?


Mrs. Edith came through the surgery fine. It took a while but everything worked out. Hannah text June yesterday and Christy was having a good day. Keep praying for our sick folks.

December is doing what it always does, flying by. We will be in Proverbs 10 tonight at the POINT. I think we are going to do an overview of chapter ten and then spend our time on verses one and two…verse two in NLT… Tainted wealth has no lasting value, but right living can save your life. The Holman reads…Ill-gotten gains do not profit anyone, but righteousness rescues from death.

I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.

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