It’s Too Late


“Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me?…She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial.”

~Matthew 26:10,12, NLT


When someone does something good, applaud–then you’ll make two people happy.

~Zig Ziglar

According to Doctor Luke, as Joseph and Nicodemus were taking Jesus body down from the cross and prepared His body for burial, the women from Galilee followed and saw the tomb where his body was placed. Then they went home and prepared spices and ointments to anoint his body. Their plan was to follow up on the men’s work and anoint the body of Jesus after the sabbath had ended. These are good women and it is a noble plan. They all loved Jesus deeply and I do not question their devotion, but the truth is–they missed the opportunity to anoint Jesus body. They did get there immediately after the sabbath but the body was gone. The only person to seize the day was Mary of Bethany. She anointed Him on Passion Week, prior to His death on the cross.

There is a lessons to be learned here: Opportunities don’t always knock twice. I’m not sure Mary understood all the implications of her extravagant act of worship but Jesus took it as an anointing for His buriel. So, do not take opportunities to show love and kindness to others for granted. The opportunity you have today, you may not have tomorrow. Express your love and gratitude for those you love now: don’t wait until they are gone. Then we end up saying to others what we should have said to them. In most cases, there are exceptions, all you hear at funeral homes and Celebration of Life Services is the good that the person did. We talk about the things we appreciated about them. Why do we wait until they can’t hear us; why can’t we do that now? Appreciate or applaud some good you see in others today.


I think it is supposed to cool down tomorrow and yesterday was not that bad. Melanie Mitchell is in Huntsville Hospital. Please pray for Melanie and Brent.

God bless you for reading the blog and I hope you have a great day!

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