Know Your Limitations


There are four things on earth that are small but unusually wise: the ant, Hyraxes, locust and lizards.

~Proverbs 30:24 [25-28]


Wise people know their limitations, but they don’t allow those limitations to become excuses.

~Chuck Swindoll

Of these four small creatures mentioned in Proverbs 30, I want to focus on the hyraxes. The LSB says shephanim which is the literal Hebrew word translated hyraxes, rock badger and conies. It is a tiny animal about the size of a rabbit. Full grown, they weight 8-10 pounds, and they live in the rocks. These tiny animals have no defense mechanisms. They are very docile, and they have no way of protecting themselves. They have many natural enemies that want to eat them from snakes on the ground to eagles and hawks in the sky. They live in burrows in the ground like a prairie dog. They survive by living in communes, and they have a remarkable and complex warning system. They keep a sentry on duty 24-7 and it sounds the alarm at the first sign of danger. They survive because they recognize their own limitations, and they depend on each other.

As young people we are very idealistic, and we tend to dream big dreams. There are people who tell young people that they can be anything they want to be. Dream big and pursue the dream, but there is one huge problem: this is not true. Some of us have severe limitations. I dreamed of being a professional athlete and that dream was crushed in high school. I had the heart, but I did not have the athletic ability. I tried very hard, but I could not dunk a basketball unless I used a mini-tramp, and they don’t allow those in the game. I could not throw a 90 MPH fast ball either. We have to come to a place where we realize that some things are beyond our reach, but that is no excuse for quitting. When I came out of seminary, I actually believed I would be a great preacher and pastor a huge church. Junior use to tell about the young preacher who prayed for a pretty little wife and a big church. The LORD gave him a big wife and a pretty little church. Someone told us in seminary, “Be brief or brilliant.” I have met some brilliant people, I am not one of them, so I try to be brief. One of my mentors use to say, “Jack, you have to quit before they do.” That doesn’t leave me much time.

I told someone just this week that sanctification is a series of crushed idols or broken dreams. The LORD gently takes them, lays them in the dust, and crushes them right before our eyes. The good news is that He resurrects something better in their place. I am living the dream, but it is a dream that I never had the sense to dream. We would jump at God’s will if we only had His foreknowledge.


Mrs. Leona Burden was promoted to glory last night. She didn’t open her eyes when I talked to her yesterday. It was a peaceful departure. I love Mrs. Leona. She was tired and lonely but all that is history. She will never be lonely again.

I think it going to heat up now, but I want to praise the LORD for the past two weeks of cooler temps. I plowed our small garden yesterday and planted some more pumpkins. For the first time is a long time, we have tomatoes coming out of our ears and some are big. We have peppers galore.

I have a meeting this morning with one of my sons in the ministry and I am looking forward to it. I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.


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