Loving Our Enemies


“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you.

~Matthew 5:44, NKJV


You never so touch the ocean of God’s love as when you forgive and love your enemies.

~Corrie Ten Boom

Nicolae Ceausescu was the ruthless communist dictator of Romania from 1967-1989. Both he and his wife were tried on public TV and executed shortly after the broadcast. During his reign of terror thousands of Christians were tortured and murdered. One of his henchmen was a man referred to as Colonel Albon. The Colonel beat and tortured prisoners on a regular basis. He had heard that an inmate was preaching in the cell block, so he went to investigate. No one would confess so he began beating each prisoner one by one. When he came to a layman by the name of Ion Stanescu; he stood up to Albon and said, “Enough, you will beat no more prisoners, there is a God in heaven, and He will judge you.” Every man in the block knew that Ion had signed his own death warrant, but before the Colonel could respond, he was called to the prison office. He returned to the cell block two hours later, but this time as a prisoner. It was common in a communist regime for one communist to betray another, and one of his enemies within the party had set the Colonel up. The other prisoners would have beaten the Colonel to death, but Ion Stanescu intervened. He used his body as a human shield to protect the very man who had been beating him. Folks, I don’t know about you, but as for me, I need God’s grace to love my enemies. It is something I cannot do on my own.

I am a child of God but unfortunately, I struggle with having a Christ like attitude toward all people. Jesus prayed for those who tortured Him, “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” A few months later Stephen would pray the same basic prayer as the hateful Sanhedrin stoned him to death. I admire both Jesus and Stephen but I’m not sure I could do the same.

The Western Roman empire began it collapse on August 27, 410 when Alaric led the Visigoths in their three-day sack of Rome. The Empire spent the next several decades under constant threat before Rome was raided again in 455, this time by the Vandals. The final blow came in 476 when the Emperor Romulus Augustulus was deposed. Many of the Romans blamed the Christians. The greatest criticism regarding the CHRISTIANS was there teaching to love your enemies. The Romans and some historians said this weakened the empire and made the Romans soft on justice. I disagree, I don’t think Rome fail because of Christians. I think Christians were blamed because they are hated by the world.

I was watching a western the other night and a gun slinger fell in love with a Quaker girl, and she was devout. Quakers are passivist. They do not believe in guns or defending your property or yourself. Three hooligans came to town gunning for the gun slinger. His love and admiration for the Quaker girls was so intense that he allowed her to take his gun. There he stood at the mercy of three vile men. I’m about to come out of my recliner, “Woman, what are you doing? Leave him alone, these three scum bags need killing.” This is a roundabout way of confessing; I have difficulty loving my enemies. When I read the story above about Ion Stanescu {which came from a blog I did 12 year ago} I thought to myself: “I have some Roman like ways that need to go.”


Ann Vest is in HH Women and Children and is very low. Please remember Ann and family in your prayers. Joe David and I are leaving shortly for the Hospital. I think Anthony’s grandson is there also.

Have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.


In going through some of my files I came across this Top Ten List:


  1. We need a small group for cat lovers.
  2. Preachers who don’t wear a suit and tie are not saved. It is in the Bible.
  3. When are we going to start attracting more normal people?
  4. If Jesus sang from the hymnals, why can’t we?
  5. You shouldn’t drink water while you preach.
  6. You sermons need more calories.
  7. You need to change your voice.
  8. You wife never compliments me on my hair or dress.
  9. We don’t like the brand of donuts you are buying.
  10. If the KJV was good enough for Paul and Silas, if should be good enough for you.


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