Our Need For Pure Rest


And on the seventh day God finished the work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all the work that He had done.

~Genesis 2:2, NRSV


Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without a business, without entertainment, without a care.

~Blaise Pascal

The present generation has come up with a new word ‘chillax’. It means calm down and relax. Why is it so hard for us to relax. I didn’t say ‘kill time’ in front of the TV or video game, I said relax without entertainment, without a worry. God rested after He had worked for six days. Robert Frost said that there are two kinds of people in the world; those that are willing to work and those that are willing to let them. But most of us do not have a problem with work or at least activity; we stay relatively busy but are we doing the right things, the most important things? One of the reasons that we don’t relax is that we have been serving ourselves and not the LORD in our work. Thus, we feel a sense of guilt even when we try to rest. I am not a musician, nor the son of a musician, but I do love music and believe it or not, I love classical music. Any good musician knows the value of the ‘rest’, a musical notation that means pause. It is powerfully effective in all types of music, especially gospel music. Can you abide by the rest? Some of us are like the kid taking piano who choose to pound rather than pause. His teacher told him, “Abide by the rest son, it makes the music sweeter.” Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is lie down and take a nap. The question is can we rest without entertainment? Now we do not need to be like the man who when asked what his vocation was, he said, “I do nothing Monday through Saturday and then I rest on Sunday.” Lazy people don’t need rest, they need a job.


I had to pull up on old blog. This one came from August 2011. Have a good day and thanks for reading.

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