Saved From Self


Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

Matthew 16:24, NASB


Christ died to save us, not from suffering, but from ourselves; not from injustice, far less from justice, but from being unjust. He died that we might live—but live as He lives, by dying as He died who died to Himself.”

George MacDonald

I’m about halfway through my newest book by Henry Scougal and my next one will be George MacDonald, LORD willing. I am frustrated because I read an extended quote from MacDonald and now, I can’t find the source. So, I will paraphrase. Basically, MacDonald said, “I had rather die forevermore than to live with myself.” In other words, heaven cannot be heaven unless we are saved from our wretched selves. There may be some things about jack that I like but there is more that I loathe. In some areas, I just don’t seem to be making any progress. You can check with June if you don’t believe me. If my patience was gun powder, I wouldn’t have enough to blow my nose. I have some joy but I want complete joy. I don’t think I will have anything complete this side of glory. My hope and prayer is that Jesus will complete me when He gives me a new body.

Keith and Kevin will like this story. A man was in hospital, and he was hurting and hurting others. He was not easy to deal with and very hard on his care givers. He had wounded several nurses with his brutal tongue. He was filled with bitterness and saw nothing good in anyone. He was unkind and ungrateful. A nurse enters his room, and he says, “Give me something to get me out of my misery. I don’t care what it is.” She reached in the nightstand and pulled out a Gideon’s bible. She slapped it in his hand and said, “There, believe this and He will be the end of you.” How profound! She was right on target. You can bathe in your bitterness if you choose, and it will make you miserable and misery loves company. Most miserable people want to share their misery with all those around them. Jesus died to save us from hell, sin and ourselves. Hallelujah, what a Savior!


Beautiful weather; just right, not hot and not cold. The promotion of Charles Stanley is bitter sweet. I am happy for him because he fought the good fight but his passing marks the end of an era and a fraternity of godly men. I think Jerry Vines is still with us but Adrain Rogers and Ron Dunn have long since departed. I think Jimmy Jackson and Peter Lord were also in this group. I think most of them attended New Orleans Theological Seminary at about the same time. Dr. Stanley was a good preacher but even greater writer.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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