“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.
~Luke 9:24, LSB
Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead.
~C.S. Lewis
I must confess a sin, I listened to George Orwell’s 1984 a couple of weeks ago. It has some bad language, not much but enough to keep me from recommending it to anyone. I don’t think Orwell {Author Blair} was a conservative. The libs are quick to claim him as one of their own, but his work is prophetic. I don’t know how he saw what was coming but he did. He lived only 46 years and died a year after I was born. Folks he had Marxism pegged. From BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU to HATE WEEK; he had their number. Marxism leads to slavery and there is no precedence that says otherwise. The State {Big Brother} become despotic and all powerful. All civil rights and personal liberties are abolished. The THOUGHT POLICE {Political correctness} are everywhere. There can be no debate, no free thinking, no freedom of speech and no privacy. There is no church: BIG BROTHER is all in all. All opposition must be eliminated. Everyone must bow and give allegiance to BIG BROTHER.
There is a strange irony in all this: those who resist BIG BROTHER are killed, but they die free to think and believe as they choose. Those who compilate, are indoctrinated, and re-educated, but in the process they lose themselves. It seeking to save their lives {following their instincts of self-preservation}, they lose the most important thing, their dignity of true self. They become puppets or dupes. The only surviving trait is selfishness. Thus they become like animals: dog eat dog. The saddest aspect of this lose of self is the inability to love. The primary characters in 1984 are two lovers, a man and a woman. After all the torture, they give in to the power of Big Brother and the brainwashing; then they discover their lose. They no longer have the ability to love or to care about others. They only care about themselves which becomes a hell within itself. I really wonder if Blair had an idea that he was communicating a great spiritual truth: one that Jesus taught, but that most folks never grasps.
We got a great rain last evening; an inch, maybe two. One mile down the road, Joe David got very little. They even got rain across the road from his house. It was a tiny cell but it camped over Rocky Ford for 45 minutes. I am thankful but I can’t really celebrate until all of you get a good rain. Its in the forecast; I pray that you get one.
John Titan fell yesterday and we think he has a broke arm. He goes to a bone doctor today. I am so disappointed, I got to the eye doctor in Huntsville thinking I was getting a cataract removed and all they did were test, a hour of test. My first surgery is August 8, Jean Narrell and Bill Wood’s birthday.
Have a great Friday and I hope you get rain.