

“Pride comes first; disgrace soon follows; with the humble is wisdom found.” 

~Proverbs 11:2, NJB


Pride can be nauseating and toxic; it can take the shine off of a gold medal.

~Ray Comfort

I have a friend at Grace Point who is an avid Auburn Fan. If Auburn is on the field or in the gym, he is either there are watching by TV. He loves Auburn. A couple of years ago, after a weekend of football, he asked me point blank; “Did you pull for Auburn preacher yesterday?” I said, “I do sometimes but I pulled for Mississippi State this week; one of my grandsons graduated there and I have friends in that area.” He said, “Preacher, don’t ever apologize to me for not cheering for Auburn because I will tell you up front, I never cheer for Alabama.” I’m telling you folks, if Alabama was playing the Taliban, he would be wearing a turban. We were talking on Tuesday after the National Championship game and of course, I did not want to bring the game up but somehow it came up and he said, “Preacher, I like that Smith kid, he is a class act.” He was speaking of Devonte Smith of Alabama who had an unbelievable game, although he played just over a half.

What would inspire of an avid Auburn fan to praise and Alabama player? I will tell you in one word, “Humility.” Everyone was as impressed with Smith’s humility as they were his ability. Finebaum praised him for his attitude and talked about how rare it is in our culture to find a kid this successful, this early in life, who has the gentle, down to earth, selfless attitude and who does not exalt himself. Humility is very attractive and pride is nauseating. I’m telling you, even the world will take humility over a trash talker who promotes himself.

What about preachers; what about your average Joe. We are not going to be on a championship team or win a Heisman trophy but pride is still an issue. It will always be an issue as long as we dwell in these tabernacles of clay. Solomon was right, Pride runs with bad company and where ever you find Pride, you find shame and disgrace close by. A lot of proverbs are generalities but this one is a LAW: Pride goes before a fall. I hate Pride: I loath it. Not only will it trip you up and cause you to fall; it will do it again and again and you will never get an apology. I hate Pride because it is so sneaky. He never approaches from the front; he never announces his intentions…he sneaks up from behind and just when you think all is well, he bits. Pride is like one of these Blue Heelers; they sneak up on your back and bit you on the heel. I have no respect or admiration for pride: it is deceitful, devilish and a coward. He never confronts: he back stabs and ambushes. This is one of many reasons that Pride is disgusting, and let me assure you, I am talking about my own pride–I truly loathe it!

PTL for another wonderful Sunday. So good to worship with friends and get to eat Sunday lunch at Aunt T’s and then have good Christian fellowship around the table. We are off the grid today: we have to go to Cullman for our semi-annual checkup and it will not be good for the preacher. June will get a high grade as usual but my report card will be all F’s. I’ve gained every pound I lost and there is no telling where my sugar will be.

I was eating with friends last night at a SB party when I caught sight of something very disgusting. The NFL gave Biden the first 10 minutes of the less than super bowl. Those of you who have argued that they are not an arm of the Democratic Party saw it for yourself. What blatant partisanship on the part of a sport or what was once a sport. It is now a giant corp in bed with the left. I don’t know how they have pulled it off but almost every giant corp is on the left: Walmart, Nike, NFL, G.E. Google, Apple, Amazon and on and on. Even one of the Dems, in the House of Representatives, from the mid-west confessed recently, the party has abandon the working class. They are now the party of the elites. She could have found that out by reading this blog 8 years ago.

For exercise, go to google once a day and type in voter fraud…then hit enter. This is all you have to do unless you want to add, I believe there was voter fraud.

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