Little Stick–Big Hand

Scripture Can an ax overpower the one who uses it? Can a wooden pole lift whoever holds it? ~Isaiah 10:15, CEV Quote God can hit a hard lick with a crooked stick. ~Ya’akov Sennacherib, the king of Assyria and son of Sargon II, was a arrogant blow hard who thought himself to be an agent…


Scripture When I was prosperous, I said, “Nothing can stop me now!”  ~Psalms 30:6 Quote One reason God permits trials is that we might not get comfortable in our faith and stop growing. ~Warren W. Wiersbe This is a Psalm of David but we don’t know exactly when it was written. What we do know…

The Flesh: Powerful or Weak?

Scripture On the way, Jesus told them, “Tonight all of you will desert me. For the Scriptures say, ‘God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’ ~Matthew 26:31, NLT Quote Humble yourself or God will do it for you! ~Image Quotes The flesh is strong when it comes to…