Flying Off The Handle

Scripture As one of them was felling a timber, his axhead flew off and sank in the river. ~II Kings 6:5, MSG Quote Sometimes we have to loose something to fully appreciate what we had. ~Ya’akov The seminary students under the tutoring of Elisha wanted to build extra dormitory rooms for the seminary and so…

Gehazi’s Greed

Scripture “Thus the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and to your seed forever.” ~1 Kings 5:27, LSB Quote When it comes to greed, we all claim exemption. ~William Wilberforce In over 50 years of serving churches, and I have had only one young man confess the sin of greed. It is a sin…

Blame The Preacher

Scripture He said, “I pray that God will punish me terribly, if Elisha’s head is still on his shoulders by this time tomorrow.” ~II Kings 6:31, CEV Quote Blaming and criticizing others is a way to avoid the truth about yourself. ~Ya’akov {Constructed the quote but borrowed the thought} I’ve been in the ministry for…