Staying Sharp

Scripture If an iron axhead is blunt and a workman does not sharpen its edge, he must exert a great deal of effort. ~Ecclesiastes 10:10, NET Quote Workaholics are not hero’s who save the day…generally, they are dull people who spend the day doing something the hard way. ~Ya’akov My daddy was a hard worker…


Scripture A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain. ~Proverbs 25:14, NLT Quote We make a living by what we get {earn}; we make a life by what we give. ~Sir Winston Churchill We were created for God’s pleasure and it pleases Him for…

Good With Bad

Scripture Job’s wife said to him, “Are you still continuing to be faithful to the LORD? Speak evil things against him and die!” Job replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. We accept good things from God. So we should also accept trouble when he sends it.”  ~Job 2:9-10, NIRV Quote When it seems like everything…