Aging Gracefully

Scripture Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor Him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”  ~Ecclesiastes 12:1, NLT Quote The aging process can be meet with foolishness by the young and old alike. ~Soren Kiekegaard Solomon’s wisdom in chapter twelves is…

Scripture Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.  ~Ecclesiastes 11:9, NLT Quote Today is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again…

Take The Calculated Risk

Scripture  Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.  ~Ecclesiastes 11:6, NLT Quote Doing nothing is not nothing; it is something that produces nothing. ~Annymous Man by nature is a control freak and some are more persistent…

A Little Bird

Scripture Never make light of the king, even in your thoughts. And don’t make fun of the powerful, even in your own bedroom. For a little bird might deliver your message and tell them what you said. ~Ecclesiastes 10:20, NLT Quote Motherhood has the greatest potential influence in human life. ~Source Unknown  Growing up wasn’t…


Scripture Wise words bring approval, but fools are destroyed by their own words. ~Ecclesiastes 10:12, NLT Quote A fool is made more of a fool, when their mouth is more open than their mind.” ~Anthony Liccione Solomon was blessed with a brilliant mind and he did make many outstanding contributions. I love the Proverbs and I love Ecclesiastes…

Work Smart

Scripture  Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.  ~Ecclesiastes 10:10, NLT Quote Working hard without intelligence [using your head] will produce more sweat than success. ~Ya’akov [Adapted from image Quotes] My father was a hard worker and so was his mother. My…


  Scripture Again I saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, or the battle to the strong, or bread to the wise, or riches to the discerning, or favor to the skillful; rather, time and chance happen to all of them.  ~Ecclesiastes 9:11, Holman Quote Merit is not always rewarded…

Live It Up!

Scripture  So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!  Wear fine clothes, with a splash of cologne!  ~Ecclesiastes 9:7-8, NLT Quote Man is clueless and God is all-knowing: therefore, the only proper response to God is fear and trust. ~David George Moore…

Relating To Authority

Scripture All this I have seen and applied my mind to every deed that has been done under the sun wherein a man has exercised authority over another man to his hurt. ~Ecclesiastes 8:9, NASB Quote Life is far too complex for any human to figure out how all its parts fit together. ~Daniel L. Akin There…

Sin, Solomon and Sweethearts

Scripture God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path….Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.  ~Ecclesiastes 7:29 and 7:20, NLT Quote Disregard for one’s depravity coupled with an arrogant self-sufficiency is a lethal combination that produces fools. ~David George Moore Duane…