The Sabbath

Scripture “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” ~Exodus 20:8, LSB Quote The Sabbath has been put in place for God’s people to show us that He is a God of rest and that in trusting Him we ourselves find our true rest. ~Dana Ortlund When I was a boy, I got the Sabbath…

God Loves Obedience

Scripture On that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced because God had given them great joy. The women and children also celebrated, and Jerusalem’s rejoicing was heard far away. ~ Nehemiah 12:43 (CSB) Quote The reason there are so many unhappy, disgruntled Christians is that they are living in perpetual disobedience. ~Ya’akov Moses taught…

Passover And The Sabbaths

Scripture “On the fourteenth day of the first month, you must celebrate the LORD ’s Passover. On the following day—the fifteenth day of the month—a joyous, seven-day festival will begin, but no bread made with yeast may be eaten. ~Numbers 28:15-16, NLT Quote Our hope is not in our goodness, our ability or our strength. Our…