The Wicked Man

Scripture Sin speaks to the wicked in their hearts. They have no fear of God. They think too much of themselves so they don’t see their sin and hate it. Psalm 36:12, NCV Quote God’s word and kingdom will not be overthrown by means of the wicked and their rabble. ~Martin Luther I am not the only sequential…

What’s Not In Heaven

Scripture He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. ~Revelation 21:4, NLT Quote The most thrilling thing about heaven is that Jesus Christ will be there. ~William Franklin Graham Can you imagine the disciples grief when…

Eli’s Sons

Scripture Eli’s sons were wicked men; they did not respect {fear} the LORD. ~1 Samuel 2:12 (CSB) Quote Life is a series of choices: do your best to make the right ones and if you err, learn from the bad ones. ~Image Quotes I am a sequential learner which means I make a lot of…