The Evil One And Religion


We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

~1 John 5:19, NASB


Religion has always been the greatest enemy of truth and righteousness.

~John W. Lawrence

According to the world, Christianity is just another religion, but this is a lie. Christianity is anything but a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus. I am a firm believer that all religions are inspired by hell and are demonic. The key difference between Christianity and religion is the atonement and the resurrection: we have a risen Savior. Religion has man doing something to appease deity, but in Christianity, Jesus is the One and only One who pleases the Father. All religions have you doing something to get to heaven but in Christianity it is not what we do, but what Christ has done.

There is no doubt about it, Satan’s influence controls the world and the world’s religions. Jesus was accused, arrested, condemned and crucified by religion. Every member of the Sanhedrin was a religious Jew. There is no telling how many men and women died at the hands of the Catholic Church. The Catholic church was the preeminent persecutor of the Middle Ages. This was before Marxism which has murdered  more Christians than all the others put together. Don’t kid yourself, Marxism is a religion which goes by the name secular humanism. It deifies man and makes him the answer to the world’s woes. Not only is man not the answer: man is the problem.

So the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus and they were supposedly a prominent religious body. They occupied the seats of Moses. They were the Jewish Supreme Court, yet they acted like thugs. In the history of mankind, no high court has ever behaved so wickedly. The Jews took pride in the law and yet they broke every law in the book due to their hate and contempt for Jesus. They arrested Him without a charge, tried Him under the cover of darkness and without giving Him a defense and condemned Him without evidence of guilt. Can you picture a Chief Justice spitting in the face of the person on trial or allowing members to the court to hit him in the face and pluck out his beard. Such behavior is unheard of in the annals of history. Religion or no religion, you cannot justify that kind of behavior. If I were looking for the most corrupt, the most ruthless and wicked person in the world; I would look under the cloak of religion. As Jesus said, “It is a hidding place or a den for theives.” The most evil people in Palestine took sanctuary in the Temple.


It was cool again this morning. I don’t need any A/C in my office. Rain is supposed to hit the coast sometime tonight and they are still predicting rain Thursday and Friday. We need it.

Courtney is really low. Pray for Shannon, Billy and the entire family.

I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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