The Holy Spirit


When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard… He will bring Me {Jesus} glory by telling you whatever He receives from Me. 

~John 16:13,15, NLT


The Holy Spirit never glorifies Himself; He always glorifies the Son.

~Martyn Lloyd Jones

There is a simple litmus test for preachers: do they preach Jesus? I love the story Bob Pitman tells about the church that was going to run the preacher off as soon as the revival was over. Some little lady gave Bob this information after one of the revival services. Bob asks her, “Why do you want to get rid of your pastor? Has he been unfaithful to his wife or committed some unforgivable sin?” “Oh no,” said the little old lady, “he has an impeccable record and he is a great family man.” Bob then asks, “If that is true, why do you want to get rid of him?” She said and I quote, “Because all he ever talks about is Jesus. It is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and we are sick of it.” You better get use to it folks because the focus in heaven is on Jesus.

Is Jesus real to you? If so, that is the work of the Holy Spirit in you. Do you have a deep desire to glorify Jesus? This too, is the work of the Holy Spirit in you. Do you get a thrill when Jesus is exalted, magnified, and praised in worship? Again, this is God’s grace, working through His wonderful Holy Spirit. The Spirit is always, without fail, pointing to Jesus. A preacher who does not mention the name of Jesus nor exalt Him in their messages is not worth listening to.

I love the story in Mark 6 where Jesus tells the disciples to feed the multitude…

 Late in the afternoon his disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the nearby farms and villages and buy something to eat.” But Jesus said, “You feed them.” “With what?” they asked. “We’d have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!” How do we feed the hungry multitudes? We give them Jesus. This is why He breaks us, crushes us; He is making us bread for a hungry world. Just give them Jesus!


Got to love this weather, heat in the a.m. and A/C in the evening. Welcome to the SEC TCU. It is not as easy as you thought. I thing Georgia could have beaten any team in the country by three TD’s last night. I don’t like Kirby, Bennett or Georgia but they were ready to play. It was over by the end of the first quarter. There is a gap between the SEC and all the other conferences and that includes the Big Ten.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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