The LORD Is My Light


I will guide them on paths they have not traveled. Their road is dark and rough but I will give them light to keep them from stumbling.

~Isaiah 42:16, CEV


Stay away from negative people: they have a problem for every solution.

~Albert Einstein

The scriptures wows my mind! I was reading in Isaiah 42 a few days ago and I would read and then say “Wow!” Matter of fact, I wrote wow in the margin of my bible. Isaiah 42 is an awesome chapter. I am absolutely blown away at Isaiah’s description of Christ. Eight hundred years before the incarnation, the Holy Spirit guided Isaiah’s pen. As Keith would say, “Unbelievable!” The words incredible and amazing also come to mind. Isaiah predicted that Christ {Messiah} would be God’s Servant, His Chosen One, the One who could please Him in all things. Christ would bring justice, light, hope and healing. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy Isaiah made except one and I firmly believe that when Jesus returns, He will fulfill that one. Isaiah said, “The Messiah will not quit or give up until justice is done every where on earth and even people in foreign nations will long for His teaching.”

I was challenged by verse 16…“I will guide them on paths they have never traveled.” I’m about to be 70 years old in a few days and I still long to travel new roads. I thought about the song “Oceans” and how it speaks to my timid faith…
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior.

This song challenges me and I sing it as a prayer. I am not a status quo guy: I love new and fresh things. I am amazed at how little people understand the scripture: they think God is a duplicator and He is not; He is a creator, an originator and He’s doing something brand new today. Even His mercies are new and fresh each morning. Go to chapter 43 where God says through Isaiah… Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands. We are not bearing His image when we are stale, insipid, dry and stagnant. You know what the favorite verse of most Baptist is: Psalm 10:6, “I shall not be moved.” They even have a hymn to accompany the verse. A lot of folks spent their lives waiting for another Pentecost which never came. When will we learn, God rarely does the same thing twice. God is not up to the same old, same old: His character never changes but His creative genius never ceases. Don’t try to fit HIM into your little bitty box of brains: He will not fit.

Praise the LORD, I hear thunder and I see lightening. The clouds finally opened. We have gotten an inch at least and it is still raining. I hope you got one two. I saw water in the ditches just two miles away yesterday and I was disappointed but not right now. Let it rain.

Everyone is asking about Holly. She was very sick the first part of the week but she is better: not well but better.

The libs like to make the case that Albert Einstein was an atheist but I don’t agree. I love his quotes and I’ve never read anything that indicates that he does not believe in an infinite being. That would make him a fool and I don’t believe he was a fool.

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