The Work Of Grace


We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia. We were completely overwhelmed—beyond our strength—so that we even despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death, so that we would not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead.

~2 Corinthians 1:8-9, CSB


God uses trails to overwhelm us with a sense of inadequacy in order to draw us to Himself.

~J.I. Packer

I’ve been preaching Paul’s sermon, “Why Christians Suffer,” for years and of course I use 2 Corinthians chapter one. I state in that message that one reason God allows us to suffer is to draw us closer to Him. Packer says this is the whole purpose of grace, to draw us closer to Christ. Like Paul or Job, God allows us to be overwhelmed by problems even to the extent that we give up. I suppose Paul is referring to the experience in Ephesus where he and other Christians were thrown into the arena with wild beast. Paul thought he was a goner; he felt as though he was as good as dead. This is typical of God. He tries us to the limit. He puts more on us than we can bear. I have heard ignorant people say, “You know the LORD never puts more on us than we can handle.” I don’t know whose LORD they are referring to because mine puts more on me than I can handle every day. The reason for this is that He wants us to rely on HIM and not ourselves.

Most of us have to much pride to ask for help. Matter of fact, we have so much pride, we refuse help when it is offered. We say, “No thank you, I am good. I can handle this myself.” When the sailing is smooth and the way is bright, we are likely to shake off any offer of help or even companionship, someone to walk beside us. When the storms gather and the way grows dark we are more likely to embrace a helping hand. The LORD can put us in a helpless situation and it is only by grace that he doesn’t chastise us more for our inordinate pride. It is a huge step spiritually to realize that you need the help of others. There is a couple at GP who have the gift of encouragement. Both husband and wife find a way to say something encouraging to me after almost every service. I might not be at the POINT today if it were not for them. You think I am kidding but I’m not. I’m not strong enough to go it alone; I need help. You think preachers are invincible; that they are super-human and should be able to take any insult or abuse that comes their way, but that just isn’t true. They are vulnerable, weak and many times feel overwhelmed. Plus, some of us are feeble minded. I can’t pastor any church no matter how small without help. I praise the LORD for putting the helpers in place. If you offer to help me, I’m going to let you because I need help.


Did not get anything done yesterday. Listened to a couple of sermons and watched TV. My new eye was no help yesterday, but I can see a difference today. I went to bed late and slept lates since I could not eat. Had to be there at 11:00 but they got to me a little after 2:00. I had 42 messages on my phone when I got up and most of them were birthday wishes. Got a bunch more during the day more than 50 but less than a hundred. I do appreciate them one and all. I answered some but June answered most. Thank you!

More bad news last night on the cancer front. I told June not to give me any more bad news. Mr. Fields {Sandy} son Caleb is sick. This is Mary Alice Nelson’s grandson. Sandy is probably the greatest Ag Teacher in the history of Morgan County. He helped a lot of kids including mine. Let’s say a prayer for Sandy and family today.

Go to Dr. Drake this morning. I am restricted to light duty for a week. My nurse is watching me. So far, so good. The LORD keeps reminding me, cataract surgery is nothing compared to ALS and cancer.

Have a great Friday and thanks for reading the blog.

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