“What is truth?” Pilate asked. Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime.”
~John 18:38, NLT
Marxism was never about achieving an egalitarian society. It is always about the pursuit of raw power.
~Russel A. Berman
Who in thunder is Eric Arthur Blair? He was born June 25, 1903 in Motihari, India. He lived in Indian long enough to become a member of the Imperial Police of Burma but eventually moved to Suffolk, England where he got into journalism. He attended Eton College. I am not sure that he graduated, and it is said, he was not a model student. He was a bit lazy in his studies. He may have been like Thomas Edison, not dumb, just focused on other things. He choose the pen name GEORGE ORWELL because his favorite spot in the mother land was the River Orwell. It is a sizable river. Of course I have heard of Orwell my entire adult life. I have heard more references to his fictional work 1984 than any other, but a couple of years ago I found ANIMAL FARM on YouTube and I watched in amazement. If you have not seen; do so! I had heard the phrase, “The pigs are running the farm,” but I didn’t know what it meant. The novel 1984 is a fictional description of what it was like to live in Russia under Stalin. No one argues the fact that Orwell {Blair} had Stalin and communism in mind, but the argument today is that he was satirizing totalitarianism and not socialism or as some would claim, pure marxism. The claim of the left is that Stalin was not truly a communist. My question is: what on earth was he? He worshiped Linen so how is it that he was not a communist. Of course our present day Marxist believe their brand of communism has never been tried. The Greek word of this is “Bologna.”
The novel 1984 is a journal of a man living in fear of being arrested by BIG BROTHER {all powerful State} and eliminated or as he put it– ‘vaporized’. What Stalin did came out of the communist play book. When he had people eliminated, all records of their existence were erased. You change the future by changing the past {history}. When you change the past you control the present. In other words…Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future. This is pure Marxism. Controlling the present means repression of speech and thought. There can be no descent. Uniformity is demanded. This fearful man {character} in 1984 is terrified because he bought a book. Books were not allowed unless they were in step with the party line. Instead of having POITICAL CORRECTNESS, Orwell termed it the THOUGHT POLICE. It would send you to the gallows if you were caught thinking for yourself. Independent thought was not acceptable. June read something to me a few nights ago. Black farmers are protesting Tractor Supplies decision to not take part in Gay Pride month. First of all, how many black farmers do you know in Morgan County. How many do you know in the entire State. I have been in Tractor Supply many times and I cannot recall seeing one black person there. It was said that the Black farmers are upset because TS is not supporting DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity. I think they refer to it as DEI but what blacks need to know is that it is coming from the Marxist playbook. Communism cannot happen without dupes. Dupes are nonthinking person who swallow the party line hook, cork and sinker. Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter and DEI are pure marxism. They goal is to stir racial tensions because they want a revolution. Most black people I know do not want a revolution and I don’t either.
Folks Marxism does not work for anyone other than the elites. Marxism will not elevate Black people or Hispanics. Marxism does not elevate anyone. It destroys the middle class {resistance} and empowers those who are already filthy rich. That is why Orwell said, “The hogs are living in the house and running the farm.” By the way, the hogs ran the farm into the ground. This is the nature of Marxism. It is a deadly and destructive evil. There is no presidence that states otherwise.
For the record, I had to go to DUCK,DUCKGO to find a negative quote about Marxism. Evidently GOOGLE has censored the truthful quotes.
This may be a strange blog to begin with but I wrote it a couple of weeks ago and it was up next. By the way, 1984 has what they call adult content. I did listen to it on Audible but I can’t recommend it. Orwells insights are beyond belief but I will not listen to it a second time.
Glad to be back on line. It was all my fault. If I read my email daily, it would not have happened. We are back on line and our fees are paid through September 25 thanks to the generosity of one man. During this time, my goal is to get all my stuff on a hard drive. We have thousands of devotions, two our three E-Books, MY STORIES {which I have not kept up to date but don’t want to lose}. We have the rewrite of the SCREW TAPE LETTERS in layman’s terms. It is a simple commentary on Lewis’ letters which are very hard to read and understand. Lewis was an Implicit writer. He didn’t intend for us to understand after one readings, or two or in my case a half dozen. I am explicit: I try to make it as simple as possible. I wrote it not because I didn’t think folks could figure it out, but to save you time. Anyway we are back on line and my thanks to all who sent me text encouraging me to continue the blog. I did entertain some thoughts of retiring. As a matter of fact, I probably would have thrown in the towel without your text.
They have put rain in the forecast this week but they will change it in a couple of days. They are more accurate on tempts and so the heat wave we expected may not materialize which is wonderful news to me. Every year I promise you and the LORD that I will not complain about the weather but hot dry weather depresses me.
Thanks for reading the blog and have a good week.