Why The World Hates


“There is no numbering those who oppose me without cause, no counting those who hate me unprovoked.”

~Psalm 38:19, New Jerusalem Bible


The better the man, the more the world will hate him.


Since President Trump has now officially completed his term: we can say he was the best president in recent history. I never thought I would say it but I rank him above Reagan and that is high praise. I’m afraid to touch the founding fathers but after them comes Trump and Reagan. Trump had a picture of Andrew Jackson on the wall of the Oval Office. Jackson freed American from the debt to the Rothchilds {Jewish banks}. Jackson hated debt and he ran on the platform of making America debt free which he did but a depression struck shortly there after and Jackson got the blame. Conservative historians say the depression was inevitable but you know how politicians us the economy for their advantage. Along came Woodrow Wilson, a big progressive [liberal] and he instituted the FEDERAL RESERVE, a consortium of nine Jewish banks. I shouldn’t have to say much more: you can do the math. Biden sets on the perch but he is a stooge. He will look out for all his billionaire buddies. The Federal Reserve {Jewish banks} did not want Jackson on the wall of the Oval Office I am sure. No one is listening but I am telling you Biden is a stooge on a perch, he simply parrots what he is told to say: in reality, he has no say. It took big money and unscrupulous means for them to get him in office. They choose him because He doesn’t have enough mind to resist their instructions. He will do whatever they tell him.

Hollywood didn’t get Trump out of the White House. The Hollywooders are stooges themselves. The power brokers [billionaires] could have pulled this off without Hollywood but they had to have the media and they had to have all the media giants. Of course, I digressed; the topic was the world’s hate for that which is good. Trump is hated because he was a good president. He didn’t play politics and Washington insiders hated him. Right off the bat, Biden closes the Keystone pipeline, destroying 11,000 jobs instantly and more to come. He did as a favor to his billionaire friend Warren Buffet. Warren owns the railroad that will transport all the oil now that the pipeline is shut down. He contributed a meager 58 billion to the Biden takeover by fraud. Let me ask you a question: has Biden done one thing that is righteous since he has been in office. The answer is NO! They hate Trump because he is better than them and he makes them look bad. It’s the same reason they hated Jesus. The better the man, the more the hate.

Praise God Jesus is coming and I hope soon. Another great weekend to praise Him for and I do give Him thanks: the LORD is good, He has always been good and He will always be good. June and I were talking yesterday about our attendance being down at GP and we drove back several empty church parking lots on the way home but the Walmart and the restaurants are full. Oakridge Methodist has on their Marquee, “Pretend we are Walmart and come on in.” There is no wonder the LORD allowed the dems to take over: we have not been faithful and we are not changing that I can tell. I pray for REVIVAL in America every day.

Have a great day and great week: thanks for reading the blog.

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