

“No one ever spoke the way this man does.”

~John 7:46, NIV


A word is a thought expressed.


Jesus is the LOGOS, the living WORD, He is the expression of the mind of God. You’ve heard the expression, “speak your mind,” and this is exactly what God did in Christ, He spoke His mind. There is power in words, even your words and my words. Over and over the bible uses the term sword to speak of the tongue and it is because the tongue can cut deeply; it can bring injury and harm to another person. If we learn to manage our words, we can get our whole self under control. My problem is haste. I speak too quickly. Like Peter, I am impetuous, impulsive and impatient. I speak before I think. Not all words are fitting and speaking the mind is not always a good idea for fallen humans. In our kitchen we have a sink and a garbage can. When I finish eating, I put some things in the sink and other in the garbage. Some things I keep and some I discard or throw away. I should do the same with words: some are not fit to be spoken and need to be trashed,

Jesus was perfect in word and deed. He never misspoke! I can only imagine. The Jewish big wigs sent their temple police to arrest Jesus but when they got to his location, He was in the middle of a discourse and so they pulled up a chair and listened. They were so moved by what He said that they totally forgot what they had come to do. When they got back to the Temple without Jesus, they were scolded harshly. I love their reply, “We’ve never heard a man talk like this man.” In today’s vernacular, it would go, “We’ve never heard anything like it.” The words of Jesus had real power; so much so, He could use words to raise the dead. Now our word does have that kind of power but there is power in our words; too much power for us to be reckless or careless in our use of them. Yes, I am preaching to myself.

Jesus is the MIGHTY ONE of Israel, His voice will be heard, there is power in His word…

There is a very thin line between praise and boasting. Every time I cross the line, I suffer the consequences. I just want to say that God is good and He has been extremely good to me. I don’t have perfect children or grandchildren; they are all flawed just like their father and grand father but they all worked hard to make yesterday special for me and I am thankful. I could not ask for more. They did exceedingly more than I dreamed or expected. It wasn’t a perfect day, we will not have those here on earth but it was close. Thank you kids and grand kids.

GRACE POINT FAMILY…I know Belinda, Christy, Carol and a few others read the blog. I beg your patience in the matter of our services. I know the flip flopping has to be getting on your nerves but I am doing what I feel is best for the entire church. I really love and appreciate those of you who are politically incorrect like myself but we have to think of everyone. The Sunday service is going to be our biggest service and our opportunity to reach new people so we are taking it back outside and starting at 8:30 am to beat the heat. We will move Wednesday night back inside and at 6:30 and this will mesh with the youth. We will also go back to Psalms on Wednesday night. Not everyone reads the blog or gets the email. So spread the word, we meet this Wednesday at 6:30 inside and next Sunday, June 28, we go back outside at 8:30 in the morning. If this works, we will stay with it until the virus thing settles down. I remind you: the worse thing you can do is watch TV. The media is worse than the virus. You need to mask yourself from the media. They are promoting fear and anarchy and for a reason: they hate our president.

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