Absolute Freedom


Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.

~1 Peter 2:11, NLT


There is no such thing as absolute freedom.

~Billy Graham

Dr. Graham is right as rain, there is no such thing as absolute freedom. God in His sovereignty has created man with free will but that doesn’t mean he is completely free to do what he pleases. A man can jump from the top of the Empire State Building if he chooses but once he jumps, his choices are over. You can drive at 120 MPH, or at least do it for a time, but eventually you will crash. Our roadways are not made for that kind of speed. We are free to smoke dope and drink like a fish, but we are not free of the consquences. I had a brother die at age 69 from lung cancer. He had smoked cigarettes since he was 13 years old. His son, my nephew died four years later, same problem, and same reason. You can abuse your body but not without consequences. Often times middle aged men do stupid things in their effort to stay young but as I told a young man just weeks ago, “Don’t forget there is an old man living in your body, you better start looking out for him.” You can indulge yourself in worldly pleasures, but not without dire consequences.

Our founding fathers were wise men. They were not all church attenders or at least faithful church attenders but they understood the above principle. A moral people can be trusted with freedom, but immoral people cannot. They will use freedom as a license to abuse others. This is why we have prisons, some people cannot be trusted in society. Our founding fathers understood the connection between freedom and morality. For a people to remain free, they have to remain moral. The greater the immorality, the more restraint necessary which results in less freedom.

I don’t know if it is intentional or just blind ignorance, but the Biden Administration and all connected have been leading us down a blind alley of moral depravity and nothing could be more destructive. Joe David sent me a video of a bill in congress that is stacked 12 inches high with pork. They are trying to rush it through before Trump starts cleaning house. It is full of money to be give to gays and gay rights activist. It is a path of destruction. You don’t even have to have a bible to know this: a good history book will do. It destroyed Sodom, over 90 % of the tribe of Benjamin, the Greek Warrior City state, the Roman empire and it will destroy America if we don’t turn from these perversions and wreckless policies.


Christy had a hard day yesterday and a difficult night. She was in a lot of pain last night. Pray for things to get better today. I am headed that way as soon as I do my QT. Also: Don Widner’s granddaughter Lexi is at Women and Children. She having trouble digesting her food. They are checking out the intestinal area.

Got a shower early this morning: thank YOU Jesus. It will keep the rye grass green and the shrubs from dying. Our water bill last month was 55$ and my accounted was not happy.

Bobby Vest has made the move to Encompass Rehab just across Chapman Mountain. I will be going there when I leave HH. {Lord Willing}

Buddy got our new parking lot lights installed yesterday so we get to try them out wednesday night. I think they operate on a photo cell which means they will burn constantly at night which is a good. People into evil love darkness. Light and safety go together. Of course it doesn’t hurt to have the high sheriff around with that 9mm Glock.

I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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