Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
~Matthew 5:3, AV
No man is rich who has not learned to be thankful.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I think I used Bonhoeffer’s quote a couple of weeks ago but it fits today’s subject like a glove. I want to take Jesus words in Matthew 5:3 out of context simply to make a viable point. Mickey and I were talking about our childhood last Sunday morning and how things have changed. Most people in my generation grew up in homes that did not have TV, cokes in the refrigerator or money on the hip. I went to school everyday without a cent, but 95% of the students were in the same boat. There was 133 in my graduating class and only a half dozen had their own vehicles. When I was kid you could get a coke for a nickel but I didn’t have a nickel. Don’t get me wrong, I do not want to go back, but I am thankful that Mother and Daddy didn’t have enough to spoil us.
June and I went to Michigan a few days back and all I carried was my pocket money which was around $300. I did have three credit cards i could use. It is not like I was broke, but the point is, I never worried about losing what money I had or of being robbed. The credit cards can be canceled with a phone call and $300 dollars isn’t much these days. Matter of fact, losing our money never crossed my mind, BUT what if I had carried a million dollars in cash? Would it have created some anxiety? Honestly, what do you think? I think I would have worried about being robbed. I think there would have been some anxiety over losing that much money. You get my point, the more we have, the more we worry about losing it which means that people like me worry very little about money.
I will give you another illustration. You can borrow my truck if you need it. I am not worried about you putting a dent in it; it is too late to worry about dents. Doug sings a song about me; it is called, “Everything I own has got a dent.” Don’t ask to borrow Big Mama’s Buick. It still has the new car smell and is in pristine condition. Several of you are driving new vehicles that are dent free. Be honest, you would feel very uncomfortable if I asks to borrow them, wouldn’t you? When you have an old beat up wreck, you don’t care who borrows it. I’m just saying, there are some advantages to being poor or should we say not rich.
I’m going have start watering my turnip greens patch but that a much better problem than a hurricane or tornado. We need to pray for and help these people who are getting hammered. I listen to a little talk radion and it is my understanding that thousands will be coming into Alabama and Georgia for shelter until the storm passes. Possibly the biggest diaster of all is FEMA.
Be sure you read the latest IMPRIMIS {Latin for first things}. It is about American citizens who have been murdered by Federal agents. You will not hear these things on the nightly news.
We are planning a PRAYER vigil for November 4, 2024 at the church building. It will start at 6:00 and go to 12:00 midnight. We will have a service every 30 minutes beginning at 6:00. I will be there to conduct all the meetings. You pick a time and come. The last one will begin at 11:30 PM.
I have a lot of lose ends to tie up today. The weather is going to be good, the only question is energy.
Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.