

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

~Galatians 6:2, NKJV


We may suffer with HIM, but we will never suffer without HIM.

~Elisebeth Elliot

An often quoted cliche is … “God never puts more on us than we can bear.” I am not sure this is true. He puts more on me than I can bear on a daily basis. David said in Psalm 55, Cast your burden on the Lord,
And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. What constitutes a burden? A burden is a load or a weight upon your mind or your body. I suppose it could be a collection of negative thoughts or experiences. It may come in the form of bad news. Job got one piece of bad news after another until he was crushed beneath the weight of tradgic events. Anything that creates anxiety is a burden and burdens are like the ice on the wings of a jet, they can build up until they are to heavy to bear.

When David’s burdens got to heavy to carry, he cast them on the LORD. As the old gospel song says, “Bring your burdens to the LORD and leave them there.” I do this through prayer: I tell the LORD about the things that are troubling me. I cast my burdens on HIM! In the early part of my life, I didn’t carry my burdens to the LORD because I felt like He had enough to handle already, then one day I realized, He can handle everyone’s burdens; He has the whole world in His hands. I think Jesus is more offended if we don’t bring our burdens to Him. Christ is the great burden bearer.

As George W. Truett said is his famous sermon on burdens: [1] Every man must bear his own burden {be responsible}, [2] Every Christians is to bear one another’s burdens {minister} and [3] Jesus is the great burden {sin} bearer.

As Christians, we are to share in the burdens of others. When you see someone carrying a heavy load, you try to help them. I was at a grave side a few weeks ago and they didn’t have enough Palbearers and the volunteers carrying the casket were about to fall so I jumped in and grabbed a handle. When we see a person weighed down with grief, stress, and the burdens of life, we do what we can to help. Sometimes it is a card. Sometimes a care package. Sometimes it is a good deed. We know we cannot remove the burden, but we do what we can to make it lighter.

I talked to a sweet lady this week who lost her husband to cancer after a three year battle. She said it was the little things that people did for her that helped her most. I passed a young black woman {nurse} in the hall of HH the other day and she greeted me with a smile and a “How are you doing.” I was in a hurry as ususal, but I stopped and said, “Thank you for that smile.” At the time, I needed to see a smile, a happy face. You never know folks, a simple smile could lighten the load of a burdened soul.


Cool this morning but I didn’t see any heavy frost. LORD willing, I will visit the hospitals today. When I can, I go in the middle of the morning; traffic is lighter. You do not want to go to Huntsville in the evenings from now to Christmas. One of the signs of aging is that you get to where you don’t want to go anywhere. Noise, crowds and traffic will bother you. This ridiculous rap music, if you can call it music, that they play at the basketball games gets on my nerves. It makes me want to crochet barbared wire.

I hope you have a good day and good weekend. Thanks for reading the blog.

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