Garbage Mary

Scripture “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves breakin and steal.” ~Matthew 6:19, NASB Quote Never exalt your opinion above the word of God. His word is inspired, your opinion is not. ~Max Anders Max Anders, who wrote the commentary on Proverbs in the Holman…

The LORD Deserves Our Best

Scripture The entire lampstand, along with its accessories, was made from 75 pounds of pure gold. ~Exodus 37:24, NLT Quote Give God your best…He gave His. Image Quotes Hang on to your hat, you are about to be shocked. I know you are familiar with the tent used by Moses for worship in the wilderness. You…

God Is Good

Scripture “Has anyone ever given anything to God, so that God has to pay him back?” ~Romans 11:35 (Job 41:11) Quote No one ever received anything from God on the grounds of merit. God gives because God is good. He is the source of everything. ~Aiden Wilson Tozer Every thing is grace. There is universal grace, God makes…

Nothing To Give

Scripture Priests, put on black clothes and sob. Cry, you who serve at the altar. Come, you who serve my God in the temple. Spend the night dressed in black clothes. Sob because no one brings grain offerings and drink offerings to the house of your God anymore. ~Joel 1:13, NIrV Quote “The meaning of…