Our life pursuits will reflect our character and personal integrity.
~Franklin Graham
If you can remember the Bill {Slick Willy} Clinton’s licentious escapades, you will remember how vehemently the media and the democrats defended his indecent behavior. They said, “It does not effect his job performance, in this case, character does not count.” Character always counts. Among other things, Clinton was a pathological liar. He told so many lies I don’t think he knew how to recognize the truth. Character is built slowly over a lifetime. It is the sum of every right decision, every honest word, every noble thought and every heartfelt prayer. It is often forged on an anvil of suffering, it is honed by hard and honoarable work and polished with generosity, grace and humility. Character is a very, very precious thing. It is hard to build and easy to tear down. For every follower of Christ, character should be an issue; how dare we say that character does not count.
Martin Luther King professed to be a Baptist preacher but I never heard him mention Jesus and he carried on a women’s ministry if you get my drift. Ralph Abernathy, before he died, admitted that King had a woman in almost every town they visited but he said, “That does not distract from his work in civil rights.” In other words character and behavior are two separate things. I do not agree. With me, character always counts.
It amazes me how cool the morning are and how hot it gets in the afternoon. I think summer is almost here. The garden is dry enough to plow but I don’t have time today to get in it and there will be less tomorrow. Our corn is in the ear, I hope to have some by the 49er meeting on the 28th. We also have jalapeno peppers if anyone needs them. It is about the only thing I can raise. I should have been a jalapeno pepper farmer. I would definitely starve if I was a tomato farmer.
Off to the dentist in a bit. The two things I hate is the drilling and staying numb for 6 hours.
Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.