If we really are living in the same light in which He eternally exists, then we have true fellowship with each other, and the blood which His Son shed for us keeps us clean from all sin. If we refuse to admit that we are sinners, then we live in a world of illusion and truth becomes a stranger to us.
~1 John 1:8-10, Phillips
Your relationship with Jesus is unique; there is no other like it. He knows you far better than you know yourself, and He still loves you.
We live in a world of tension and stress. I’ve talked to two school teachers lately who taught about the stress of having special needs children added to their class. Some of these children are autistic, and make constant noise while the teacher is trying to instruct the class. Folks, we have to take education back, the liberal left-wing marxist in Washington are ruining public education. In the world of stress, we need relief, not added pressure. We need a place where we can let our hair down so to speak. A place where we can relax and be ourselves. It really helps to have friends that understand what you are going through. Unfortunately, church, and I mean the congregation coming together for worship, ministry or fellowship, is the one place we pretend most. We put on our Sunday clothers and our Sunday smile and the people who see us at church are not seeing us as we really are.
We are afraid to be ourselves. We don’t trust each other. We pretend that everything is fine when everything is falling apart. We are terrified at being known. I know a young woman whose son is in prison and she doesn’t want anyone to know. The grandmother is aching to tell folks where they can add him to their prayer list but the mother says no, do not tell anyone.
I am going to give you some good advice, find you a quiet place and get alone with Jesus. You can tell Him everything and He will not tell one soul. You can talk to Him about your wife, mother-in-law, or son-in-law who will not work, or whatever and they will never know. You have some guilt in some areas they you cannot confess publicly without hurting others. You can confess these to Jesus and no one gets hurt. You can relax in His presence. I’m not suggesting that Jesus condones our sin, but I am saying that His infinite love is greater than our sin and He is determined to save us from our sin and self. I love Micah 7:19 in the NET, “He {Messiah} will conquer our evil deeds.” The NIV says, “He will tread our sins under His feet.” Our victory is in Jesus. We rejoice in HIM. Folks, I cannot rejoice in jack, but I can rejoice in Jesus, everyday!
Hallelujah what a Savior. I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading the blog. Don’t forget, it is hump day.