Compartmental Christianity


The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God.

~Psalms 9:17, NLT


When nations or individuals live only for their pleasure, they begin to die morally and spiritually, oblivious to God’s will and His judgment.

~Billy Graham {WISDOM FOR THE DAY, p.192}

It may be tempting to make your faith in Christ one aspect of your life. In other words, you are willing to give the LORD one hour for worship on Sunday morning, but all the other time belongs to you to do what you like. I can assure you we have church attendees and even leaders who never open their bible during the week; never have a quiet time, never pray. They are perfectly content to give the LORD a couple of hours per week and a part of one day and a part of their pay check–very small part. Dr. Graham called this compartmental Christianity. These are those who treat Jesus like He is a spare tire. He is in the trunk if we need Him, but we hope we don’t need Him. They have the bumper stickers that reads–GOD IS MY CO-PILOT. Wrong, wrong, wrong: Jesus is the Pilot, the flight plan, and the plane. HE is the only way you are going to heaven. If you are behind the wheel, you are headed nowhere.

You know, I kind of feel sorry for professed believers who try to live this way. They rush home from church to play golf, go fishing, or pursue some other pastime and they do not understand that Jesus can give us more than recreation, pleasure, entertainment: He wants to give us HIMSELF but we don’t have time for HIM. There is not enough space on our calendar for HIM. WE are looking for fun, joy, excitement and thrills in all the wrong places. Its like the day the disciples were looking for a grocery store to get food for the hungry multitude and Jesus was standing right there.

June gave me a copy of the OUR DAILY BREAD devotion a few weeks ago. It went like this: Researchers tell us there is a link generosity and joy. Those who give money and time to others are happier than those who don’t. This has led one psychologist to conclude, “Let’s stop thinking of giving as a moral obligation, and think of it as a source of pleasure.” I agree, the greatest joy in life is giving and I feel sorry for those who are missing out. A miser had rather save and be miserable as to give their life and money to Jesus and be happy.

Let me tell you what a greedy person would think if he or she read this blog: “He’s just out to get my money.” No, I am not, because I am afraid I would get your miserably attitude along with the money and that it would corrupt my joy. You keep your money and and I will keep my joy. When you stand before Christ in judgment, you will see what your money is truly worth. If you really want to live, make Christ the whole of your life; otherwise, you are going to waste a life.


June told me at breakfast, “James Spann says we have a 90 % chance of rain tomorrow.” I said, “You know what that means?” She said, “no.” And then I said, “Nothing, it means nothing.” They have not got a forecast right in weeks which is OK. Weather forecasting is a calculated guess to begin with. Only the LORD knows what it is going to do.

Let me tell you how hot it is: I had to get out in the heat yesterday and work like a dog for an hour or so and when I got home, I went straight to the shower. I have had the shower on 90% cold water for a few weeks but even that was too warm for my worn out over-heated body. So I went to 100% cold and it was not cold. It is so hot, the county water is warming underground. If you are thinking about a cold shower; forget it! By the way, June changes it to hot and runs the heater when she takes a shower.

It is Friday I think so have a good weekend. I think Sunday may be Joyce Chaney’s birthday so pray for Joyce to have a good weekend. She hasn’t had a good day in a while.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading the blog.

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