“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
~Like 10:41-42, NIV
The world says–“Don’t just sit there, do something.” Jesus says, “Don’t do something, just sit there.”
~Barry Keurulainen
Understand, you can push any analogy too far and I am certainly not promoting passivity and neither was Jesus. Without the Martha’s we men would starve and wear dirty underwear. We need the pot-bangers. But there is also a great need to abide in Christ and that takes time and concentration. We have to come apart and find a quiet place where we can sit silently before Jesus and listen to His word. I know He wants us to be active and to make disciples, and He also wants us to love our neighbors and minister to the hurting, but we need to make spending time with Him our highest priority. Otherwise, we will not have anything to give to those we are trying to help.
I think everyone hungers for attention. We want to know that someone cares enough to listen. One of the problems with growing old is that you children and grandchildren get so busy, they don’t have time for you. It is not a new thing. I used to rack my brain trying to think of something I could give mother for Christmas and then it dawned on me: she doesn’t want your gifts, she wants you. You want to rush in, drop a gift and be gone. She wants you to sit down, relax and listen to her. How did I do? Not that well, which means I have to right to complain.
Jesus doesn’t want us to rush in and rush out. He is not impressed with our gifts. He wants our undivided attention. It is called companionship or abiding. It is the heart of any enduring relationship. I dare you to give Him ten uninterupted minutes a day and I promise, it will not remain ten minutes for long. Martha was watching the clock: Mary had lost track of time. This is implicit writing: you figure it out.
Cool this morning and a possible frost in the morning. We need a little rain to settle the dust. Elnora Garner passed away during the night. She is the mother of Jeff and Bruce who attend DBC but all four have been a part of the church at some point. Gregg and Daniel go to Central. When I first came to Danville back in the 80’s I was Elnora’s substitute bus driver. Those were the days.
LORD willing, Kevin Beal and I will be going to the Westing in Huntsville today for the Hillsdale College Luncheon. Dr. Larry Arnn will be the speaker.
I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.