
I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

~1 Corinthians 15:31, NASB


The way to live is to die.

~Elisebeth Elliot

Elisebeth’s quote sounds crazy doesn’t it. We humans cling to life. Its like the old preacher says, “We talk about heaven but we keep going to doctors.” I am guilty, I go to doctors myself. What she says is not crazy: it makes perfect sense if you understand that she is talking about dying to self. We love the self and we cling tenaciously to our rights, dreams, ambitions, and needs. We clutch these things with a firm grip and all the while God has something better for us, something we will never experience because we refuse to let go and die. The sooner we die, the sooner we live. There is no resurrection until there is a death.

I think it was LET’S MAKE A DEAL, the game show where contestants had to choose between what was behind curtain number one and curtain number two. God has an abundant life behind the curtain; a life of fullness and fulfillment. It is a much better life than you can make for yourself but the only way to see what is behind the curtain is to die to what’s on this side. The devil still uses the same lie, “Don’t trust God. He will make your life miserable and you will become poor and wretched.” He is lying folks, that is what he does best. Die to self and live. Give up your dreams and allow Christ and see His dream fulfilled in you.


We don’t know for sure if Christy came home. June talked to her yesterday and she said she was but we haven’t heard anything. We sent a text but no response. Got a text from Brent this morning: Dustin and Kathryn have already arrived in Houston along with Melanie’s sister. They are going to have TG in Houston. Pray for both of these families: the Clarks and the Mitchells.

Cooled down a bit today but I will take it over the heat any day of the week and twice on Sunday. We still have tomato plants living, June’s poinsettia is still living; I can take you to green corn fields. We have had some light patchy frost but not a killing frost. We may get it soon. I remember one year like this, I think it was 1996 {it was in the 90’s}. I had a confederate rose and it was in bloom on thanksgiving day. I also sold tomatoes that year until the first week of december. Lately I can’t raise a tomato big enough to sell.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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