When Pharaoh let the people go away, God did not lead them through the country of the Philistines. This was a short way for them to go, but God did not lead them that way. God said, ‘If the people have to fight a war, they may change their minds. Then they may return to Egypt.’
~Exodus 13:17, EEB
God lead Israel into the wilderness so He would have unhindered time alone with them.
The Israelites could have been in Canaan in two weeks if they had taken the Way by the sea which was a major highway [trade route]. God did not lead them this way: He lead them out into the wilderness where there was nothing: no water, no shade, no game and no place to hide. I am sure that most of the Israelites were questioning both God and Moses, “What are they doing? Why have they lead us into a desolate wilderness? Why didn’t we take the short-cut?”
I am bad about taking the shortcut which many times ends up being the long cut. June begs me not to take shortcuts or the scenic route as I often refer to it. June’s goal is to get there and get back ASAP. Don’t get off the interstate unless you have to: she despises the scenic routes. When it comes to our spiritual pilgrimage, aren’t we tempted to take the shortcut. We want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection but we don’t want to suffer. We want to take the easy way, the quick way; get it over ASAP, but this is not God’s way. We try our best to avoid all suffering. When we do get into a painful situation, we began praying immediately for the LORD to get us out. We fail to understand that it was He who brought us to this place to begin with and He did it for a reason.
The wilderness was a place of testing, but it was also a place blessings. In the wilderness they had the shekinah glory cloud, the revelation of the law, the manna and the river from the Rock. The purpose of the wilderness was to teach them to depend on God for every need; to live by faith. Think what they would have missed had they taken the shortcut. The goal was not to get them to Canaan ASAP, the goal was to conquer Canaan once they got there. The wilderness was their boot camp. God was preparing them to be conquerors.
Courtney’s COLS is today at noon. I need to be at the church by 10:30 which means I have a short morning. Here lately I never know what I’m going to say until the last hour and that makes me a little anxious. I always need your prayers and especially today. I know you guys are good about praying for me. Thank You.
I got use to all those cloudy days and I went off yesterday without my sunglasses and I will not make that mistake again. If you have had cataract surgery, you know what I mean. Your eyes are real sensitive to the bright sun.
I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.