Forsaken Never


“I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.

~Hebrews 13:5, LSB


If you feel forsaken, it is not coming from the heavenly Father, it is coming from the father of lies.

~Elisebeth Elliot

Will a father or mother abandon their children? It is not natural but it does happen, and it is a lot more likely in this age of drugs. I once counseled with an eight year old child enrolled in our Child Care Program at DBC and her fear was that her mom would abandon she and her little brother. The dad had already left them. She hadn’s seen him since her brother’s birth. She was horrified, living in perpetual fear of being forsaken. A few years after the above story, I meet a young man who grew up in Lawrence County. He was fourteen when his mother abandoned him and his two baby brothers. The father had left prior to the mother. She gave them explicit instructions not to look for her or try to contact her. When the oldest son was grown, he looked her up, and she was living less than ten miles away. I wept when he shared his testimony. I do not understand how parents can forsake their children.

As followers of Christ, we don’t have to worry about being forsaken. Our Savior experienced the horror and utter loneliness of being forsaken for us. Thank goodness it was for only three hours. I do admit, three hours of this kind of horror would be a hell within itself. They tell me that Hebrews 13:5 in the Greek could be translated, “I will never, never, never, never, never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.If you feel forsaken, it is not coming from the heavenly Father, it is coming from the father of lies. Jesus will never forsake us. In a sense, Mary Magdalene thought Jesus had forsaken her; she at least thought He was dead, but that was an illusion. She felt sorrow and grief, but the Gardener, or so she thought, was actually Jesus. He was alive and standing right beside her and she didn’t know it. You may not recognize His presence, but He is right beside you. His presence and your feelings are two totally different things. Jesus is real no matter how you feel.


You may not believe this but we need a rain. We have some expensive turnip greens, our water bill last month was $55 and my accountant is not happy. We have dust in our garden and a little rain would be helpful. A little cooler today. GP’er we will be in Proverbs 8 tonight. God bless you and thanks for reading the blog.


Got my Imprimis yesterday and read it cover to cover this morning. It is on the DANGER of Price Controls and printing money that we don’t have. The Biden administration had almost 5 trillion dollars of funny money printed. This not only increased our national debt by 38%, it caused inflation and the devaluation of our dollar. In other words, the dollar is worth less since Biden derailed Trump’s recovery. A lot of the funny money went to “Green Companies,” like those who make wind mills, electric cars, and solar farms. The article also makes clear that the Federal Reserve is not our friend, it is nine Jewish banks and they all lean to the left, far left.

To illustrate the lack of logic in what the left does. Imagine a plant that has a huge lawn like Boeing, they are paying a guy wages that amnount to 40$ thousand per year to keep the grass cut. It is a ten acre lawn that takes him two days to cut. Then the company buys him a new diesel Gravely with a 72 inch cut. He can cut the law in half the time which ups his productivity. So he demands higher wages because his productivity went up a hundred fold. But the company bought the more and he is not doing more work but actually less. What makes the company grow is new investment, but if they spend everything on wages, the growth of the company is stifled. When labor gets the whole gain, nothing is left for capital.

The basic rule to follow is keep government out of business. The government has a terrible track record. They are never accountable because they bail themselves out of failure by printing more money or placing the burden on the backs of tax payers. The IRS should be shut down and the Post Office. Sub the mail out to a private contractor. A stamp cost a dollar and they still can’t make ends meet because government agencies are irresponsible when it comes to spending. As Hugh use to say, “it is easy to spend someone else’s money.”

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