“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
~Joshua 1:8, NASB
When you open your Bible, God opens His mouth.
~ Mark Batterson
I enjoy reading more now that in my younger days but I am no speed reader. I don’t just read like some folks. I have bought second hand bibles that didn’t have a mark, note or highlight in them. I have read second hand books that did not have one mark or note in them. I can’t do that: I have a straight edge, pens, highlighters and I make notes in the margins. I don’t just read, I reread. It usually takes the second or third reading before the LORD speaks. Last Sunday night I was reading I Peter 4-5 in the Williams Translation. I was highlighting certain phrases that jumped out at me. When I got through reading and highlighting 1 Peter 4-5, and glanced at the highlights, I saw a pattern and immediately I thought, God is speaking to me. So I got my journal out and wrote them down. It was instructions I needed on how to live this week. I was absolutely amazed.
- Give yourself to prayer [4:7]
- Keep your love for one another fervent {hot} [4:8]
- Be ungrudgingly hospitable [4:9]
- Serve one another [4:10]
- Utter the oracles of God {keep preaching} [4:11]
- Keep on rejoicing [4:13]
- Keep on praising [4:16]
- Be a shepherd [5:2]
- Put on the servants apron [5:5]
- Humbly submit to God [5:6]
- Cast all your cares on Jesus [5:7]
- Be calm and alert [5:8]
- Resist the devil [5:9]
- Be strong in the faith [5:9]
Five and eight pertain to pastors but it is a good list for all of us to study. By the way, an oracle is a divine utterance that is brief. I am not kidding. Look it up. Billy Graham’s devotion on Monday was an oracle, a brief and powerful word from God.
On the way to Cold Springs and back last night, June and saw some Christmas lights. It would bother me if they left them up year round but I am ready to get going in 2025. Santa gave me a TRUPH clock for my office: every hour on the hour, Trump speaks and says…”We are going to make America great again.” This is my reminder to stop and pray for our president and our nation. My first prayer is that we get to January 20th and get him in the Oval Office. The marxist are doing everything they can to keep him out. The deep state or the Sanhedrin feels threatened. They are scared of Trump because they can’t buy him they way they have bought congress and the courts. Anyway, pray for America and for president Trump’s protection.
This weather is something. Warm in the day time and freezing early in the morning. I got hot at the ball game and pulled off my sweater coming home. We went into Krogers last night around 10:00 pm and it was just right, 32 and no wind. It felt good, but here lately, it gets real low early in the morning around 3-4 a.m. We still have snow. June says it is waithing to the next one. Snow is good for the wheat and most plants. Snow is rich in nitrogen.
I hope you have a good day. Thanks for reading the blog.
GRACE POINT be sure and turn out tonight for the PHD fellowship which begins at 6:00: June says I have too much food. Don’t hurt my feeling by staying at home. By the way some men in our Bible Study class helped me: it is not all on me.