He’s Everything To Me


Thus they set out from the mount of Yahweh three days’ journey, with the ark of the covenant of Yahweh journeying in front of them for the three days, to spy out a resting place for them.

~Numbers 10:33, LSB


For us today, God’s Ark of Testimony or the Covenant is Jesus Christ our risen LORD.

~Watchman Nee

Jesus fulfilled all the laws demands and all the Old Testament symbols. We no longer sacrifice animals, to do so would be demonic. Jesus fulfilled all the OT sacrifices: He was a whole burnt offering {totally consumed}; He was the Passover Lamb and our libation. Jesus is the true Temple. He is everything that we need. He is our hope; He is our peace; He is the way and even the life. The LORD Jesus is our Shepherd, He supplies all that we need. The ARK of the Covenant was a piece of furniture that went in the Tabernacle. It was kept in the Holy of Holies, the intermost part of the Tabernacle. The ARK was a symbol of God’s presence. It contained the broken tablets {law}, a jar of manna and the budding rod of Aaron. All three were symbols of Israel’s rebellion. The tablets contained the Ten Commandments which were broken. The budding rod was to remind them of the Levites’ rebellion over priesthood. The manna was to be gathered daily except for the Sabbath, but Israel violated that rule also.

You can see the parallel: Jesus is our sin bearer. All are sins was placed on Him. He is more than a symbol of God’s presence, He is Emmanuel, God with us. Can you think of anything you need that Jesus cannot supply? Jesus is not only all that I need; He is everything that I want to be, and I will begin with courage. Can you imagine the courage it took to walk into Jerusalem and face the hate of the Sadduccees, and the Sanhedrin. You and I have never seen the kind of hate Jesus faced. There is not a person, not a single one of us who would swap places with Donald Trump. This man faces more hate in a days time than we do in a lifetime and who among us wants to be hated by that many people? Has anyone tried to kill you lately? They have tried to kill him twice because they hate him.

I don’t have any courage to speak of; Jesus is my courage. He is my holiness. Everything that I want to be, He is. I am because He is!

We use to sing this song in Youth Choir…He Is Everything To Me..

Till by faith I met Him face to face,
and I felt the wonder of His grace,
Then I knew that He was more than just
A God who didn’t care,
That lived a way out there and

Now He walks beside me day by day,
Ever watching o’er me lest I stray,
Helping me to find that narrow way,
He’s Everything to me.

I found a verson on YouTube. Some of you will like it, others want!


Cooling down, may get frost next week. OK by me, no more weed eating. I hope you have a great Friday and a good weekend. Thanks for reading the blog.

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