Hope Deferred


Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

~Proverbs 13:12 NIV


Unrelenting disappointment can make the heart sick.

~Eugene L. Peterson

I’m a little pressed for time today so I must be brief and sometimes, brevity is not a bad thing. I thought Keller’s book on Psalms was good but his book on Proverbs and Ecclesiastes is even better. I want to share a bit of today entry. I want to say before I quote Keller that I agree with everything he says but it is much better for me that he be the one who says it. At the core of the human heart, there are HOPES and everyone has them. We all want to be happy or to be fulfilled which means we hope our dreams will come true. When something we hope for is deferred, delayed or even destroyed, we become heart-sick. Now here is Keller’s quote: “It is wisdom to recognize that the condition of deferred hops is one that can never be fully remedied in this life.” What Keller states is true and the sooner you realize it’s value, the better. If you fail to realize it, you are very susceptible to temptations of all sorts. The devil will do the same thing to you that he did to Eve; talk you into fulfilling your hopes by jumping ahead of God. He will try to convince you that heaven is not real and that you are a fool to trust God to fulfill your hopes, dreams and desires in the eternal state. Just remember, the devil is a liar and cannot be trusted. Heaven is infinitely better than anything you’ve ever experienced on this earth.

Dauy 28 of the Covid-19 shtdown. On a tight schedule today. Off to Grace Point for our MONDAY MINISTRY which we are doing on Thursday this week and then to Athens for the COLS of Steve Inman.

I hope you have a great day!

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