In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content — whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.
~Philippians 4:12, CSB
Intimacy with Christ can become so deep and so great that we become independent of everything else.
~Martyn Lloyd-Jones
I spot read which means I read several books at a time, a chapter here, a chapter there. I lacked three pages finishing a chapter in Martyn Lloyd-Jones book on Spiritual Depression and I was tempted to go to the next chapter which is the last in the book, but a little voice said, “Don’t do it,” and I obeyed the voice and glad I did. Yesterday we talked about “waiting” and today we focus on “learning.” Paul was a student and Christ was his mentor. The verb translated “learned” is in the perfect passive tense which could read, “I have come to learn.” We learn by taking instruction from someone with superior knowledge, but our greatest teacher is experience. Paul could have said, “I have been so disciplined by experience that whatsoever be my lot I am content.” His intimacy with Christ was so deep that he needed nothing else.
What really caught my attention was Lloyd-Jones thoughts on how Paul came to this point in his learning. He presents seven arguments or conclusions which lead Paul to this sublime height of perfect contentment.
- Conditons are in a continual flux; a constant state of change. C.S. Lewis called it the undulations of life, others use the word vissitudes.
- What matters most is our relationship with Christ. This is paramount.
- God is more concerned with our welfare than we are and knows every hair on our head. We must not forget this.
- God’s ways are a great mystery but whatever He permits is for His glory and our good {Romans 8:28}.
- Every situation is life is the unfolding of some manifestation of God’s love and goodness. Life is like a scroll; not a book. We can’t fast forward to the last chapter, it unfolds a day at a time.
- We must regard conditions, especially adverse condition as a part of God’s refining process. He is sanctifying us or perfecting our souls and this requires extreme heat. What motivated the Israelites to leave Egypt? It was horrible conditions. God uses adverse conditions to change our desires.
- Whatever our lot at the present moment, it is temporary. It too will pass.
I’ve never been in Paul’s situation. I am learning to be content but on a much smaller scale. I have not spent time in prison. I have never had everything takes from me but my relationship with Christ. My hope and my prayer is that if such a time comes, I will be able to share in his testimony.
I just thought of a great movie for those who attended last nights study in Proverbs. It is called Flywheel and it was produced by the group out of Georgia. It is about taking advantage of others but it is funny. It is about a used car salesman sticking it to his own pastor.
Felt good this morning: I can breathe better when it is not so hot, like in the car coming home from the Point. June is in a hoody with gloves on and I am burning up. I love it in the 50’s, especailly when there is not much wind.
Mrs. Edith is supposed to go to rehab today. June just got news that J.W. Blackwood departed this world. Keep praying for Christy, Melanie and Charity.
Have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.