Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.
~Psalm 25:16, NIV
You don’t have to give in to the loneliness. You can have a relationship with Christ and your life can become the most thrilling life in the world.
~Billy Graham
Billy Graham was in the office of the dean of one of our great universities. The dean had a huge widow that allowed them to view the kids on campus as they moved from building to building. Dr. Graham asks the dean, “What is the greatest problem at this university?” The dean pause briefly and then said “Emptiness.” He went on to say, “So many of these kids are bored, lonely and searching for something. You can see it in their faces.” One of the students, whose parents were very wealthy, went home to her father and said, “Father, I want something, but I don’t know what it is.” Personally, I believe the dean is right…people are lonely and searching for meaning. People are like sheep without a shepherd, yet there is a reluctance to turn to Christ. It is hard to find a person who will confess the truth.
The truth is, only in Christ can you have the intimate relationship that your heart is longing for. No human on earth, not your wife, nor your husband, nor a parent or friend can know the intimate details of your heart. There are two major problems with humans: [1] We have intimate thoughts and desires that we may not even be able to articulate and with Jesus, we don’t have to. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He understands us completely. He can read our mind and our heart. [2] The second problem is finding a sympathetic ear of one who understands. I must warn you that you may find it difficult to find someone who will listen to what you have to say. Most people are so wrapped up in their own problems that they don’t have the necessary concentration to listen to your problems. This is not a problem for Jesus. He has no problems or hangups. He will listen and He cares. This is a hard combination to find. You can pay a professional counselor to listen to you, but can you pay him or her to care.
All I am saying is: Jesus is a wonderful counselor and it is unwise not to use His services. Staying busy and attending social events are no cure for loneliness. You can be lonely in a crowd. Find a place to be alone with Jesus. He is the solution.
You got love this weather. Yesterday was picture perfect. I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.
Communion this Sunday at Grace Point. Don’t forget to pray for the revival November 3,10,17 at 6:00 PM.