Most Exciting Prophecy In Scripture


All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.

~Psalm 22:27-28, NIV


You asks me what the world is coming to, and I will tell you: the world is coming to Jesus.

~Adrian Rogers

I am reading the Psalms in the NIV. It is formatted as a journal where I can make notes. Psalm 22 may be the most fascinating chapter in the entire bible and that is saying a lot. David describes the crucifixion of Christ in vivid detail four hundred years before any crucifixion took place. The Persian and Seleucids were the first to practice crucifixion in the 6th century BC. This is why the Jews skip Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53: Jesus fulfilled them both to the letter and they know it. As I was reading it the other day, verses 27-28 caught my attention. I have read them practically every day since. WOW, what a promise! I guess this is where Dr. Rodgers got the idea that the world is coming to Jesus. Actually, it is taught elsewhere in scripture.

Note what verse 27 says, “The end of the earth,” all people everywhere will turn to the LORD. We are talking global revival. They will not only turn to Him, they will bow before Him. Dominion will belong solely to Jesus and He will rule the nations. I love Hebrews 1:13 in the Williams Translation, {Father speaking to the Son} “Just keep your seat at My right side ‘until’ I make Your foes a footstool for You.”  As old Dr. Vance Havner use to say, “We are living in the great until.” What time is it? Until! As I have said repeatedly, no one can be dogmatic about prophecy but we can all have our opinion. In reading the Bible multiple times, I believe Jesus will return and His presence alone will be all the power needed for every knee to bow and every tongue confess that He is LORD.  I’m sorry folks, but I don’t see a battle, I see bended knees. I think the battle is going on right now, when Jesus comes back, the battle will be over. I do not believe that any mortal will stand erect and face Him. The energy and vitality you have surging through your body comes from Jesus…it is in Him that we move, exist and have our being. He can remove that energy at will. When He does, you will not have the strength to stand.

I love John’s coverage of Jesus arrest in the Garden. The garrison of soldiers {possibly 100 men} and temple police all armed to the teeth approached Jesus. He said, “Who are you looking for?” They said, Jesus of Nazareth and then Jesus said, I AM,” {egō eimi}. Translaters added “He”. What happened when Jesus spoke these two words? They fell backward to the ground. Do you think He has lost His power; if so, think again. No one will be able to face HIM! There is no arsenal or army on this earth that can stand before Him.


God’s word convicts us; it instructs us, but PTL it encourages us as well. I wrote the above blog over a week ago and some of it came out in last Sunday’s sermon but not all of it. To be honest, I had forgotten about the blog and just happened to see yesterday that it was never posted.

Great turn out last night for our PHD fellowship. I want to thank Bo, David, Big Mama and Belinda for being co-sponsors. I want to thank the ladies who served and cleaned up and Buddy for sweeping. It was a big success and Edmonson missed it. It was a joy to see those young people enjoy the supper and they went after those desserts too. I also thank those who brought desserts. Josh had me speak briefly to the young people {over 40} and I loved it. They leave for camp Friday night. I have never seen anyone more gifted with young people as Josh. It amazes me. I know that at least four of the starters on the Brewer Boys team were there last night, maybe all five. They are good. I expect them to go to Jacksonville, and beyond.

God bless you, and thanks for reading the blog.

Our own DON WIDNER will be inducted into the Morgan County Sports Hall of Fame. This will happen on May 3, 2025 at the Double Tree in Decatur. Reception at 6:00 and program at 7:00. You will soon be able to register on line and it will be $50 per person. If you write a check; make it payable to MCSHOF. Joe David will let me know as soon as they get the online registration set up.

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