New Year’s resolutions


I am resolved to obey your statues to the very end.

~Psalm 119:112. CSB


I resolve, never to do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.
~Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was a highly intelligent man and it was his habit to make resolutions all the time. The above quote is one of many that he made. I have three this year and I want you to help me by holding me accountable. I resolve to work on: [1] Scripture memory, [2] Meditation {which goes with scripture memorization, and [3] be faithful in personal evangelism. I have been working on a key question for the last couple of days. I have an idea but it needs some work. I love to read. I love reading the Bible. I love to pray but I am absolutely horrible at memorizing scripture, meditating on it at night and sharing Christ with the people I come into contact with.
You are not going to believe this but I lack confidence. On the way back from the mountains June and I stopped at a Hardees in the edge of Atlanta to use the rest room and to get a snack. As I was about to walk out I notice a young lady sitting in the corner of the dinning area and she was weeping. So I go over and ask her if she is OK; and she says, “No, I am not.” Long story short, she said she was homeless. I could not tell it by the way she was dressed: her attire was normal. I asked her some questions about her family and if she had any friends that I could call. Her phone was dead or so she said. Just as naturally as I breath, I sat down across from her and started sharing Jesus. I was not nervous, nor was I afraid of offending her. I know what you are thinking: she was a druggie playing me. I think you are right; I figured that out right away but I was able to talk to her with gentleness and I did feel the love of Jesus coursing through my veins.
Here is the issue. I have no trouble witnessing to hitchhikers or beggars but I struggle big time with normal people and I have a huge problem with the affluent. Part of it could be the honesty of a beggar to admit they need help. To be honest, I don’t know. So I am looking for a none-confrontational question to get me started. I am thinking about this one: “What would you say is the most significant thing that has happened to you personally in your life time?” If, and it is a big if, I can get them to give me some kind of answer, I will have a change to tell them what the most significant thing in my life is. The key is to engage them in conversation without shooting them down.
We can be too honest or blunt. I had a friend in seminary who button holed everyone he saw, “Are you saved?” He walked up to one of the professors just outside the chapel and said to him, “Are you saved?” The professor was offended and told him, “I do not appreciate your approach, you should observe my life before you ask that question.” My friend said, “I have been observing your life, that is why I asks you the question.” I think there is a better way. By the way, this same student lead June’s brother to the LORD in our apartment that same year. I personally am not comfortable with that approach although I use to do it. I think there is a better way.


LORD willing, I will be helping Joe David in a COLS at 2:00. I say LORD willing because here lately, I have no idea what is going to happen next. It is good to have Big Mama back home running things. She makes all the minor decisions and I make the major ones. Lately, all the decisions seem to be minor. I need someone to holp me accountable and she does a pretty dawn good job. She is keeping one of the greats today. God is good.

Christy text me yesterday and it was so good to hear from her. She has a wonderful spirit. She said she had felt a little better lately. She didn’t say she felt great but better and I say PTL.

The service Joe David and I are doing today is for the family of Edith Roy. Edith was 86 or about to be 86. She had multiple problems and had reached a point where she could no longer take care of herself. Edith was a cheerful loving person, very gentle. Our granddaughter Lexi use to help her clean her house. Edith loved when we brought the grandkids caroling at Christmas. She would get so excited and then stand in the door and weeping tears of joy.

God bless you. I hope you have a good day and try to stay warm.

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